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Smoke Alarms and Sprinkler Systems

Smoke Alarms and Sprinkler Systems

Personal injury and/or death can occur due to negligence related to installation and/or maintenance of smoke alarms and sprinkler systems.  We often hear in the…

What is an “Eggshell Plaintiff”?

What is an “Eggshell Plaintiff”?

  You may have heard the descriptive legal term “eggshell plaintiff” and wondered what that meant.  It conjures up a vision of Humpty Dumpty sitting…

Employer Liability In Wrongful Death Accident

Employer Liability In Wrongful Death Accident

Many employees drive company vehicles either to and from work or for specific company related tasks. Wrongful death claims can be brought against a driver’s…

California and Swimming Pools – Is yours safe?

California and Swimming Pools – Is yours safe?

One of the joys of living in California is hot weather. The California heat encourages us to get in a bathing suit and take a…

Edward Smith
November 25, 2014
Can Same-sex Partners Sue for Wrongful Death Action in California?

Can Same-sex Partners Sue for Wrongful Death Action in California?

The answer is yes. In California, only certain people have the right to sue for wrongful death when a spouse or other close family member…

Asbestos-Related Diseases and Litigation

Asbestos-Related Diseases and Litigation

Although the dangers of exposure to asbestos fibers has now been well-known for many years, the several different diseases that may result may not be. In…

Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma

Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma

Anyone who watched an older building being torn down or remodeled in recent years will have become familiar with the sight of workers performing asbestos…

What I know and What I Don’t Know About Grief Counseling

What I know and What I Don’t Know About Grief Counseling

I’ve been a Sacramento Wrongful Death attorney  since 1982. Since I handle only personal injury cases, I’ve had occasion to see many families who have…

Water Crafts and Amputations

Water Crafts and Amputations

Water sports are becoming more popular around the world. People are spending more time racing boats, water skiing, scuba diving and skin diving. Injuries because…

Injuries to Children from Trains

Injuries to Children from Trains

Children have a higher likelihood of being injured or killed from trains than adults. They like to play on train tracks and have a lesser…

Train Accident Statistics

Train Accident Statistics

Approximately every 115 minutes, someone or something is struck by a train; almost 50 % of all collisions happen at railroad crossings when the automatic…

Traumatic Hemipelvectomy

Traumatic Hemipelvectomy

Traumatic hemipelvectomies are rare traumatic injuries with a forty percent mortality rate. It happens when half of the pelvis from the pubic symphysis to the…

Motor Vehicle Rollover Accidents

Motor Vehicle Rollover Accidents

Motor vehicle rollover accidents are accidents in which the motor vehicle ends up on its side or on its back. In other words, there is…