
Lower Extremity Injuries in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Lower Extremity Injuries in Motor Vehicle Accidents

The good news is that restraints in motor vehicles have become optimized so people have a lesser incidence of upper body damage. Little attention has…

Edward Smith
February 14, 2013
Posted In: Fractures Posted In: Vehicle Accidents
Halo Sign Basilar Skull Fractures and Craniofacial Skull Fractures

Halo Sign Basilar Skull Fractures and Craniofacial Skull Fractures

Skull Fractures Some patients are relatively lucky, getting only a basilar skull fracture or a maxillofacial fracture. While these are complex and difficult to treat,…

Injuries to Children from Trains

Injuries to Children from Trains

Children have a higher likelihood of being injured or killed from trains than adults. They like to play on train tracks and have a lesser…

Automobile Finger Amputations

Automobile Finger Amputations

Fingertip accidents are commonplace amputations at home or on the job. Fingertips can slam in doors, in car doors, while chopping food or when clearing…

Traumatic Hemipelvectomy

Traumatic Hemipelvectomy

Traumatic hemipelvectomies are rare traumatic injuries with a forty percent mortality rate. It happens when half of the pelvis from the pubic symphysis to the…

Pediatric Basilar Skull Fractures

Pediatric Basilar Skull Fractures

Two studies were done to look at various aspects of basilar skull fractures in children. These are fractures through the inferior part of the brain…

Motorcycle Spoke Injuries

Motorcycle Spoke Injuries

Motorcyclists, moped and bicyclists can suffer from spoke injuries when riding their vehicles. One study looked at 103 moped and bicycle spoke injuries in children…

Older Motorcyclists’ Injuries

Older Motorcyclists’ Injuries

In the last decade, there has been a significant change in who rides motorcycles. Fewer young people are owning motorcycles, while the number of motorcyclists…

Facial Injuries

Facial Injuries

Facial injuries are common in motor vehicle accidents because most people are protected by restraints from the shoulders down and their faces lead, especially in…

Edward Smith
November 27, 2012
Posted In: Fractures