Motorcycle Riding in Groups

Home » Motorcycle Riding in Groups
July 02, 2019
Edward Smith

Safety Tips for Group Motorcycling

Group motorcycling is an experience that is different than motorcycling on your own. When riding by yourself, you can devote your full attention to what’s ahead and prepare accordingly. However, in a group setting, motorcyclists must follow different rules of the road. Group motorcycle rides require much more organization than a solo trip. Following simple safety guidelines for group motorcycle riding will ensure the journey is fun and safe for everyone. The following are safety tips for group motorcycle rides:

Check Mirrors Frequently

One of the most important things to do in a group ride is staying updated with what’s in your mirror view. You want to be able to have a complete view of any riders in your group that are behind you. When someone would like to stop, all other group members should be informed. This rule will keep you from unexpectedly losing a group member and save time.

Assign an Experienced Rider to the Front

In most group settings, having a designated leader is an excellent idea to keep things structured and easy to follow. The ride leader will be the one riding in the front-most position. They should be highly familiar with the route and capable of making important decisions. Whoever is appointed to this position must advise everyone about future stops and alert people when necessary.

Maintain a Safe Distance

It is common for people riding in groups to stay closer to those around them than they would if they were riding individually. Remembering this and being aware of your proximity to others is essential during group rides. Be extra cautious if you are traveling behind the group leader, as they might be put in situations where they have to make sudden lane changes or turns.

Ride at Your Own Pace

This should go without saying, but always ride at a pace that you are comfortable with. If you have a faster speed than a rider in front, you should be able to pass them with ease. If you have a slower pace than surrounding riders, you should maintain this speed as other riders can move in front of you. Your fellow motorcyclists should be waiting for you at the following designated stop.

Keep a Staggered Formation on Long Straights

Avoid being side by side with others. It is legal to do so. However, it is unsafe for large groups. A staggered formation is where the front rider stays on the right side of the lane, and the next person behind is on the left side, and so on and so forth. This formation is best for groups as everyone can see what’s ahead. Staggered formations are explicitly recommended for long straights, not corners.

Watch YouTube Video: Simple Tips for Motorcycle Group Riding. The following video provides some safety tips on motorcycle group riding.

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I’m Ed Smith, a Pittsburg personal injury lawyer. Motor vehicle accidents can leave any parties involved with severe and even life-endangering injuries. If this has happened to you or a family member, contact me at (925) 428-5220 or (800) 404-5400. I am willing to share my free and friendly legal advice with you.

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Motorcycle Riding in Groups:

Image: By “Harley-Davidson” – Unsplash.

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