Critical Pedestrian Injury Occurs in Sacramento Traffic Accident

Home » Critical Pedestrian Injury Occurs in Sacramento Traffic Accident
August 03, 2021
Edward Smith

Sequoia Pacific Boulevard Accident Causes Critical Injury to Pedestrian

A critical pedestrian injury occurred in a Sacramento accident on July 30 after being hit by a vehicle at an intersection. According to police, the collision occurred at Sequoia Pacific and Richards boulevards during the night. Sacramento Fire Department first responders arrived at the scene to assess injuries to the pedestrian and transported the patient to a hospital nearby. 

Critical Pedestrian Injury Accident Under Investigation

No additional information about the pedestrian injury was released by authorities except to say that DUI was not a factor. An investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing.

Pedestrian Injury Accidents

Because of their smaller stature and lack of protection afforded those in motor vehicles, a critical pedestrian injury isn’t unusual in an accident. Most of these accidents are due to negligence on the part of the driver, such as:

  • A mistimed light can cause a critical pedestrian injury. When badly timed or nonfunctioning traffic and crossing lights are to blame, the government agency in charge can be held responsible. Other negligent actions that can lead to a pedestrian injury accident include untrimmed shrubs that obscure the walker, overhanging limbs, and missing signs.
  • A driver runs through a red light, striking a pedestrian in the crosswalk.
  • Distracted driving by a motorist can lead to a critical pedestrian injury. Texting and talking on a cell phone is a major cause of collisions, although other distractions occur. Even taking your eyes off the road for just a few seconds is enough to lead to a serious accident.
  • Fatigued driving can cause a critical pedestrian injury, especially during the nighttime hours. Driving fatigued has been compared to an inebriated driver in their reactions while motoring. In other words, their judgment is impaired, reflexes slowed, and the ability to judge distances is affected.
  • Drunk driving and those who have been using drugs can easily cause a serious accident. This is because they cannot stay in their lane, their speeds vary, and other negligent behaviors make them unsafe on the road.

How Advice From a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

When someone suffers a critical pedestrian injury, they can face high medical costs, time lost from work, and the pain and suffering that goes along with it. In addition, it may take a long time to recover. Although the injured person can deal with the at-fault party’s insurance company themself, they will probably be offered a much smaller amount than they will need to cover all their losses.

Insurance companies are in business to make money. The injured person will be responsible for long-term costs and lost wages that remain unpaid by settling quickly. An injury attorney who handles pedestrian accident injuries can help them get the compensation they deserve. We’ve successfully handled many claims of this type and can factor in future expenses if the injury is expected to continue.

Investigating the Accident by Recovering Needed Evidence

Evidence is necessary to support a client’s claim for compensation following a critical pedestrian injury. Our investigators examine the accident site, review the police report for errors and interview any witnesses. Accident reconstruction is performed to show how the driver was at fault for the collision. In addition, traffic surveillance cameras are checked to see if any of them captured the accident on tape. Once compiled, our injury attorneys use this information to construct a strong case to support our client’s claim.

Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento personal injury lawyer. Pedestrian injuries can be serious and result in a long hospitalization and recovery period. If you were injured by a driver who was negligent, contact us for our free and friendly advice at (916) 921-6400. You can also contact us at (800) 404-5400 or by sending us a message online

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Since 1982, we’ve successfully handled many traffic collision cases, wrongful deaths, and other types of claims.

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