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Working with Neuropsychologists in brain injury cases

Home » Working with Neuropsychologists in brain injury cases
September 13, 2014
Edward Smith

Neuropsychologists are scientists with advanced training in detecting injuries to the brain and how such injuries affect an injured person.

While most people believe neurologists are the experts of choice in dealing with brain injury, this is seldom the case. Neurologists are helpful in detecting and treating some serious brain injuries, and CT-Scans and MRI’s can also be useful, but most of the time the neuropsychologist does the heavy lifting in brain injury cases.

A personal injury lawyer will usually work with a neuropsychologist who will do a neuropsychological assessment.

The lawyer will collect all the clients medical records, past school records and any testing or past IQ tests so that the neuropsychologist can determine the clients baseline
mental status before the injury.

He will then do extensive mental testing of the injured party, which may take between 3 and 15 hours to see exactly what areas of the brain are injured and suggest a plan for rehabilitation.

Brain injuries also called concussions of Traumatic brain injuries can be extremely serious and the aftereffects can be very costly. A brain injury can severely interfere with an injured parties ability to return to work and its important to be seen by a neuropsychologist as quickly as possible, so that the client can have some relief as soon as possible.

If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury (Tbi) also known as a concussion or head injury, please call an experienced brain injury attorney as soon as possible.