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What is a Holistic Accident Lawyer?

Home » What is a Holistic Accident Lawyer?
May 03, 2012
Edward Smith

Holistic Approach to Personal Injury Law

I refer to myself as a holistic accident lawyer. Potential clients and friends often ask what that means or why they might use my services.

Well, it doesn’t mean that I smudge myself with peppermint oil before entering the courtroom. Nor does that mean I don’t work hard to obtain the fair recovery they are entitled to for my injured client. (See the verdicts and settlements on my website,

It does mean that I’ve experienced many difficult experiences and injuries in my life, including four near-death experiences (that I know of!). I have been in great pain from these injuries and often experienced anger, fear, and depression during my recoveries.

These have been difficult times. Yet, without a doubt, each of these injuries and experiences has given me hidden gifts of appreciation, gratitude, love, and hope as I reevaluated and reflected back on these events.

My office is “holistic” in that we try to honor the psychological and spiritual aspects resulting from our client’s traumatic injuries as we help them recover and process their physical and financial injuries.

In short, holistic attorneys act as catalysts in helping clients transform and grow from injuries that they suffer. We try to help clients transform breakdowns into breakthroughs.

We encourage and pay for our clients to take workshops and classes that help them deal with and grow from traumatic events. One client may decide to take a yoga class and another workshop on gratitude or dealing with post-traumatic stress. We maintain a list of upcoming workshops and classes on our website

Bottom Line: We help our clients gain breakthroughs from what appears to be breakdowns.

With an open heart and an inquisitive spirit, it’s possible to turn a mundane legal matter into a positive memory.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels