Two Hurt in Woodland Auto Accident

Home » Two Hurt in Woodland Auto Accident
July 17, 2020
Edward Smith

Two Injured During Woodland Auto Accident

According to officials from the Woodland Police Department (WPD), two people suffered injuries during a Woodland auto accident on Sunday, July 12, 2020. The accident involved two vehicles, including a United States Postal Service mail truck. While the truck driver reportedly did not suffer severe trauma, the extent of the other party’s injuries is not currently known. The accident remains under investigation at this time.

Crash Information

The crash took place at the intersection of East and North Streets not far from the Islamic Center of Woodland in the central area of the city. While details about the circumstances of the crash have not been reported, photos of the crash scene show damage to the front end of the mail truck as well as a small grey sedan crashed head-on into a streetlight pole.

Responders from WPD, as well as staff from the Woodland Fire Department, arrived at the accident scene and found that the sedan driver was trapped in their vehicle. The individual was reportedly extricated using special machinery before being placed on an ambulance and driven to a local hospital to receive treatment.


As police continue to look into what could have caused this accident, no suspected factors have been reported by officials so far. However, crashes like this one happen very often and are caused by a variety of common factors, many of which are not related to drivers. Collision factors not under driver control can include issues with the road or defective vehicle parts.

Calling Personal Injury Law Firm

After being injured in a car accident, people can face a difficult situation. Not only is the recovery process stressful and often painful, but it can be very expensive. In some cases, crash survivors don’t know how they will be able to afford the medical care that they need to regain their health, especially if being injured has made it difficult for them to work.

In these cases, it’s critical to reach out to a Woodland personal injury attorney as soon as you possibly can. A good attorney will be able to help you file a claim and seek payments from at-fault parties responsible for the damages that they’ve caused. Often, crash survivors are able to recover the full amount of compensation they need to have financial security and recover their health.

Cases Involving Government Vehicles

With the majority of injury claims, injured parties can file their claim up to two years after the date of the accident. However, with cases that involve a government-owned vehicle, the time limit is much shorter. After these accidents, injured parties need to file their claims within 180 days (six months), or it will be thrown out. The stated purpose of this limitation is to help governments make necessary changes to avoid future accidents. However, it puts crash survivors at a big disadvantage, especially if they aren’t aware of the time constraint on their case.

The absolute best thing you can do to make sure you are able to obtain the payments you deserve from negligent parties is to call an attorney. Because most personal injury lawyers will offer you a free phone consultation, it costs nothing to get the advice you need.

More Articles from Ed A. Smith, Personal Injury Attorney in Woodland

Woodland Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Woodland personal injury lawyer. To get free, friendly legal advice after suffering car accident injuries, call me at either (800) 404-5400 or (530) 392-9400.

My law firm has helped Woodland residents with serious injury claims for almost four decades. For information about us and our practice, view the settlements and verdicts we’ve achieved and read our reviews at the below sites:

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