Traumatic Brain Injury Acute Treatment

Home » Traumatic Brain Injury Acute Treatment
January 22, 2019
Edward Smith

Traumatic Brain Injury Acute Treatment

Every head injury is serious and deserves the attention of a trained medical professional. When people suffer an impact to the head or neck area, this can lead to lifelong complications which can affect not only the individuals but also their family and friends. For this reason, it is essential for everyone to know about the acute treatment of a neurological injury. Based on some of the statistics published by Brain and Spinal Cord:

  • Close to 1.5 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury every year.
  • Of these individuals, about 80 percent of them receive treatment in an emergency room and are later discharged home.
  • Around 15 percent of these people are admitted to the hospital for further management.
  • Close to 50,000 people die every year from their head injury.

From these statistics, it is clear that head and brain injuries are a serious problem. Those who suffer complications from their head injury can develop permanent comorbidities as a result.

Emergent Evaluation of a Head Injury

There are many different ways that someone could suffer a blow to the head. All of these have the potential to lead to serious symptoms and complications. Some of the most common mechanisms of a brain injury include:

  • Auto accidents where an individual collides with the steering wheel, window, or dashboard
  • Physical assault with a blunt or penetrating injury
  • Slip and fall injuries
  • Sports, particularly football, hockey, soccer, and basketball

If someone presents with a history including the events above, the doctor will look for other signs and symptoms of a brain injury. These include:

  • A severe headache, particularly on one side of the head.
  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Nausea and intractable vomiting
  • Changes with vision or hearing
  • Agitation, nervousness, and rapid breathing

Imaging scans, such as a CT scan or an MRI, can be used to confirm the diagnosis. After this, the medical treatment can begin. These first few steps are important in ensuring someone maximizes their chances at making a full recovery.

Traumatic Brain Injuries Require Emergent Treatment

If the doctor is worried that someone has an injury of the brain or spinal cord, the physician will immobilize them to prevent further damage from occurring. The doctor will check the patient’s vital signs (including heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation) and place an IV. Some of the medications that might be given include:

  • Additional intravenous fluids to keep the individual’s perfusion steady.
  • Mannitol and steroids (such as prednisone or methylprednisolone) to reduce the inflammation and swelling.
  • Sedatives, such as benzodiazepines, to calm the patient if he or she is agitated.
  • Antibiotics to prevent infection from setting in should a penetrating injury have taken place.
  • A blood transfusion may be given if severe bleeding is occurring.

After this, the next step is possible surgery. If the imaging scans reveal blood pooling behind the skull, a neurosurgeon might be asked to drain this fluid and relieve any increase in intracranial pressure. This needs to be done quickly to prevent the brain from herniating. If herniation occurs, this could lead to death.

Watch YouTube Video: Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries. In the video below, physician assistant Jackie Wise with Lee Health discusses the types of treatments for traumatic brain injuries.

Contacting a Bay Area Brain Injury Attorney

Those who have sustained a traumatic brain injury could end up with complications that can impact them for the rest of their life. This could include mental health disorders, hearing and vision problems, memory loss, and even paralysis. Because of this, families in this situation should know that help is available. Meeting with a traumatic brain injury lawyer in San Francisco can help a family find answers. A trained lawyer can:

  • Reconstruct what happened at the accident scene to ensure that nothing has been missed.
  • Review the details of the accident to make sure that liability has been assigned appropriately.
  • Serve as an objective presence to help make challenging decisions during a difficult time.
  • File paperwork to take the case to court if needed.

No family should ever feel like they need to face these challenges alone. Speak with a traumatic brain injury lawyer today. You and your family members may be entitled to a financial award.

Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers in San Francisco

I’m Ed Smith, a San Francisco traumatic brain injury lawyer. Traumatic brain injuries are emergencies and should be treated as such. If a family member or yourself have suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident, please reach out to me at (415) 805-7284 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice.

I have been inducted into the Million Dollar Advocates Forum for the state of California. This section of injury lawyers has been ranked with many of the top accident lawyers in the United States. Its trial attorneys have settled cases or received verdicts of greater than $1 million.

Please view my membership in the Top One Percent, a National Association of Distinguished Counsel. You are also invited to look at some of my verdicts/settlements.

Take a look at what my prior clients have to say about my services: Avvo, Yelp, and Google.

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