Tips on How Bicycle Riders Can Avoid Risks

Home » Tips on How Bicycle Riders Can Avoid Risks
January 31, 2018
Edward Smith

Tips on How Bicycle Riders Can Avoid Risks

Tips on How Bicycle Riders Can Avoid Risks

I’m Ed Smith, a Rancho Cordova bicycle accident lawyer. Bike lanes and even parking areas for bicycle enthusiasts help make riding safer. However, bicycle riding can still be hazardous, and at least two bicycle riders were killed each day in accidents in 2015. One surprising statistic from the National Safety Council was that bicycle riding accidents caused more injuries than swimming pools, trampolines, playground equipment and skateboarding combined. Taking safety precautions are paramount in avoiding bicycle accidents.

Wearing a Protective Helmet Reduces Risk of Head Injury

In California, only bicycle riders under 18 are required to wear a protective helmet under Vehicle Code 21212 (a). This law also applies to skateboarders, roller skaters, and non-motorized scooter riders. However, because helmets have been shown to reduce the risk of head injury or concussion by 60 percent and brain injury by 58 percent, wearing a helmet makes good sense. Purchasing a helmet that meets federal regulations and fits correctly is also the law.

What Tests Are Used for Helmets?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that four areas are checked when testing helmets for safety and wearability. Requirements for approved bicycle helmets are found at Code of Federal Regulations Part 1203 under Title 16.

  • A test for peripheral vision ensures that the rider has a clear line of vision and that it isn’t blocked anywhere, which would create a hazard.
  • A test for retention strength involves the strap on the helmet that holds it on the rider’s head. The strap must be sturdy enough and strong enough to stay on the rider’s head in the event of a crash and not fly off.
  • The test for positional stability is another test that focuses on the helmet staying on the bicycle rider’s head in the event of a fall.
  • A test for impact attenuation ensures that when the helmeted rider falls and their head strikes the ground, the construction of the helmet will lessen the impact.

Risks in a Bicycle Accident

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center provides the latest information on what causes bicycle accidents as well as offering safety information.

  • Males comprised 88 percent of bicycle fatalities
  • Urban areas represented the most common place bicycle accident fatalities happened at 71 percent.
  • Riding a bicycle while legally drunk accounted for 19 percent of fatalities in bicycle crashes.
  • 20 percent of bicycle fatalities occurred from 6 in the evening through 8:59 p.m.
  • The average age of bicycle accident fatalities has steadily risen over the years from 24 in 1988 to 45 in 2015.

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Rancho Cordova Bicycle Accident Attorney

I’m Ed Smith, a Rancho Cordova bicycle accident lawyer. Taking precautions, following the rules of the road and being highly visible can help prevent bicycle accident injuries. However, when you or a family member are injured by a negligent driver or entity, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you recover the financial compensation you need. For free and friendly advice, call me at (916) 921-6400 or at (800) 404-5400. You may also contact me at by using the contact form online.

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I have helped injured residents of Rancho Cordova and the rest of Northern California with their personal injury claims since 1982. My practice encompasses most types of personal injury from brain injuries to wrongful death cases.

When I was invited, I was honored to join the Million Dollar Advocates, a forum for top trial lawyers around the nation. We have helped clients and their families obtain trial verdicts and case settlements of one million dollars.

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