Teenager Killed in UTV Accident Near Road 28 1/2 in Madera County

Home » Teenager Killed in UTV Accident Near Road 28 1/2 in Madera County
October 05, 2023
Edward Smith

Teen Killed in Madera County UTV Crash

On the night of September 30, 2023, the California Highway Patrol reported that a teen was killed and another was injured in a UTV crash in Madera County. The incident occurred on a private property close to Avenue 14 1/2 and Road 28 1/2 at approximately 8:00 p.m., officials said.

Details on the UTV Crash That Killed a Teen in Madera County

A preliminary report indicated that a juvenile, age 15, was driving a utility task vehicle with two passengers. For unknown reasons, the driver allegedly lost control of the UTV, resulting in a rollover collision. Sadly, one passenger, a 15-year-old, was killed in the crash.

Another occupant, who was in the bed of the utility task vehicle at the time of the accident, received treatment for injuries described as minor at the crash site. CHP traffic officers have not yet released additional information due to an ongoing investigation.

Seeking Financial Compensation in Utility Task Vehicle Accident Cases

An accident involving a utility task vehicle (UTV) or an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) may often result in traumatic injuries or a loss of life in some extreme cases. Personal injury and wrongful death cases arising from these types of accidents may often prove challenging to navigate. This may be due to the operator being a juvenile at the time of the incident, the crash may have occurred on private property or off public roadways, the injured or deceased occupant may not have been wearing a helmet or seat belt, and it may be difficult to prove who was negligent.

An in-depth investigation into the ATV accident may indicate sources of financial recovery for an injured party or survivors following the incident. Aside from the at-fault party and their insurance company, a thorough investigation may uncover that the UTV or ATV had defects. Under these circumstances, a products liability claim may be in order against the manufacturer of the ATV or UTV. Our experienced and knowledgeable legal team at AutoAccident.com knows how to uncover sources of financial compensation and will work diligently to do so when you entrust us with your case.

Importance of Working With an Experienced Attorney

Insurance carriers are businesses and operate as such. The priority for insurance companies is to maximize profit margins and doing so often requires devaluing or denying claims for damages. As soon as the insurer is made aware of an individual being injured in a utility task vehicle crash or another type of accident, they will work quickly to devise defense strategies to avoid paying out a bodily injury claim. The insurance claims adjuster may initially seem compassionate and kind. The unfortunate reality is that claims adjusters are trained to obtain information from claimants to minimize their financial recovery.

One of many common defense strategies includes requesting recorded statements. Claims adjusters often request recorded statements from claimants to obtain information from them. Remember that anything can be taken out of context and words may be used against an injured party in their personal injury claim. If asked for one, politely decline and refer them to your lawyer if you have one. If you have not yet retained legal counsel, the best thing to do is get in contact with an experienced personal injury lawyer near you. Unlike the other side, an attorney will protect your best interests the second you hire them.

Wrongful Death Lawyer in Madera

The sooner legal counsel is retained, the more time and opportunities there may be to seek full financial recovery for an individual injured or a family deprived of a relative due to a UTV or ATV accident. While legal action may be the least of your concerns, it is essential to protect your rights, obtain justice, and receive full compensation for your losses. When you and your family work with our legal team at AutoAccident.com, we will always have your best interests at heart and respect your wishes. Call our Madera wrongful death lawyers for free, friendly advice at (559) 377-7676 or (800) 404-5400.

Image Attribution: Brett S on Pexels

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