Major Injury Car Crash on SR-43 and Avenue 5 1/2 in Kings County

Home » Major Injury Car Crash on SR-43 and Avenue 5 1/2 in Kings County
October 18, 2023
Edward Smith

Serious Injury Auto Accident on SR-43

On the afternoon of October 11, 2023, the California Highway Patrol reported a serious injury auto accident on SR-43 in Kings County. The incident occurred in the area of Avenue 5 1/2 and State Route 43 at approximately 4:15 p.m., officials said.

Details on the Serious Injury Auto Accident on SR-43

A preliminary release indicated that a Honda was traveling on Avenue 5 1/2 while a Chevrolet approached the road from SR-43. Officials reported that the Honda driver allegedly failed to stop at the posted stop sign and struck the Chevrolet. One of the cars allegedly struck a third vehicle waiting at the posted stop sign.

The Honda driver sustained injuries described as minor and was taken to the hospital. Two occupants of the Chevrolet suffered serious injuries and were transported to an area hospital. CHP traffic officials said no injuries were reported from the occupants of the third vehicle. An investigation into the serious injury auto accident on SR-43 in Kings County is ongoing.

Recoverable Losses in a Car Crash Injury Case

Injuries from a car wreck may lead to extensive treatment and other losses. An experienced injury attorney can seek compensation for your injuries from the individual or entity who caused the motor vehicle collision. Economic damages reflect financial losses related to the car crash. Conversely, non-economic damages refer to the intangible harm inflicted on a claimant due to their experience of the incident and the subsequent injuries they sustained. A lawyer can help you determine the fair and reasonable value of losses including but not limited to:

  • Costs of medical care, including medical equipment, prescription medication, rehabilitation, physical therapy, primary care visits, surgical management, hospitalizations, services in the emergency room, and more
  • Wage loss, including bonuses, benefits, wages, and earnings that were lost due to the incident
  • Diminished earning capacity if accident-related injuries require an individual to change jobs, decrease their work hours, or prevent them from working entirely
  • Vehicle and home modifications if a claimant requires accommodations for injuries from the incident
  • Loss of consortium from martial relationship damage due to crash-related injuries
  • Loss of the ability to participate in hobbies and activities the injured party used to enjoy
  • Disfigurement and scarring, particularly if the injury causes an unsightly mark that is visible, such as the face and arms
  • Pain and suffering for emotional and physical suffering due to the crash

Is There Enough Insurance for a Serious Injury Auto Accident Case?

When there are serious injuries involved in a motor vehicle collision, an injured party would expect the insurance company representing the negligent individual or entity to step in and cover losses from the crash. The unfortunate reality is that not all drivers have enough insurance or carry liability coverage. That is why it is recommended that motorists in California carry uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. UM and UIM protection can come into play if an insured is injured in a crash caused by a driver with inadequate coverage limits or none. Learn how our legal team can help with your case in this video.

Car Accident Lawyer in California

The days and weeks following a motor vehicle collision may be stressful and overwhelming, particularly if you or a family member suffered traumatic injuries. Fortunately, help is available and just a phone call away. Our legal team can help you obtain the maximum compensation you need to rebuild your life after a crash. Our experienced and compassionate California car accident lawyers want to assist you through this trying time, not add to an already stressful situation. We work on contingency, meaning that payment for our services is only due if we obtain a successful result.

An attorney from our law office can help you prove who is responsible for your car accident and injuries, build the strongest case possible, and seek the compensation you deserve for your losses. To learn more about working with our legal team at, we encourage you to reach out to our law office to schedule a free case review. Get started today with free, friendly advice on your potential case at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400. You have a strict amount of time to bring a case in California, so do not delay and contact us today for assistance.

Image Attribution: Pixabay User – ElasticComputeFarm

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