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Sacramento Parking Meter Ripoff

Home » Sacramento Parking Meter Ripoff
December 21, 2016
Edward Smith


Sacramento Parking Meter Ripoff

Hi, I’m Ed Smith a Sacramento Auto Accident Attorney. Parking is always an adventure. Whether or not we find it an enjoyable one is often up for discussion. Whether it’s a doctor’s appointment, a late-night rendezvous with friends, or grabbing a bite to eat, meters are omnipresent. It seems that as populations continue to grow, the need for meter parking grows with it, especially within Sacramento. There may be a number of reasons for this, some of which are discussed below.

Are Meters Helpful or Archaic?

Meters allow the flow of traffic in and out of the city to remain consistent. They do this by encouraging us to move our vehicles, and allow for others to take spots that may otherwise be taken for the entire day. Parking garages have always been utilized as a more permanent solution for longer appointments or outings, though they are used too infrequently. So, in theory, more meters means more movement of the populous throughout any given day, or so they say. On the other hand, the more meters that are present, the harder it is to find free parking.

Parking Meters Are Sustainable Income

Some of us, okay, most of us, loathe parking meters. However, they are an important cog in the maintenance of roads and urban infrastructure. Without income methods like the meter, many of our roads would fall apart, parking structures would decay into disrepair, and upkeep would become even more sparse. In this way, the meter does serve a social good, but that is about where it stops. As populations increase, cities such as Sacramento are beginning to implement some slight, but meaningful changes in the way meters are to be used and paid for, moving forward.

California Cities Stop Enforcing Metered Parking at Six O’clock Sharp

In the past, cities generally stopped ticketing at six. This was the case in Sacramento until November 2016, when the city moved to enforce parking through ten o’clock. As one might imagine, this has drawn outrage from many residents. The citations total $42.50 per infraction, and the city retains $30.00 total from each citation with the rest going to the State of California. Most of the tickets being issued fall between the times of one and six o’clock. This is hardly surprising when we consider that most people are at the tail end of lunch or dinner, and may easily forget to add time to their already greedy meter.

Frustration with Changes

What is frustrating is that citations had been declining for the preceding year if not two. This indicated that residents were finally used to parking meter rules and regulations just before they changed and became confusing again. Now, those rules have changed yet again. Please check with the city of Sacramento to make sure you remain informed of any changes that have occurred, or changes that are planned into the new year.

Nickel and Dimed by the Sacramento Parking Meter Ripoff?

Some residents including myself, feel as though enough is enough. Even with smart meters becoming available, and most meters accepting debit and credit cards, when does the nickel and dime attitude of the state stop? It seems that squeezing the end-user has become the model of choice for most states, and California is no exception. Our budgets are already tight, why constrain citizens further? When people don’t understand how to park, where to park, and what it costs to park – we may choose not to go out at all. When people choose to stay home, money isn’t spent, and the economy slows down. This has been evidenced with study after study, and yet, the City of Sacramento chooses to take from our discretionary funds anyway. This could be solved by just making those that work in the city pay a flat fee, and doing away with metered parking altogether. It seems a relatively simple fix – but that government wants your money, and that is not going to change any time soon.

Watch Youtube Video – Sacramento Parking Meter Ripoff: New Parking Rules in Effect in Downtown Sacramento

Avoiding the Downtown Areas

It’s sad that the merchants downtown whose businesses will be upset by the law failed to organize an effective opposition. Until and unless this changes, I will be avoiding the downtown areas and I urge you to do the same.

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Sacramento Auto Accident Attorneys

I’m Ed Smith, and I am a Sacramento Car Accident Lawyer. If you or someone you love has been hurt in an accident, please call me for free, friendly advice anytime at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 or contact me online.

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Image Attribution for Sacramento Parking Meter Ripoff – Photo of Attorney, Ed Smith, founder of

Source of Sacramento Parking Meter Ripoff – 
