Rotational Injury of the Knee

Home » Rotational Injury of the Knee
November 06, 2018
Edward Smith

Rotational Injury of the Knee — Knee injuries are some of the most common reasons why people seek medical care. Furthermore, there are many different causes of knee pain. With this in mind, it is essential to understand a few basic points about knee injuries. Some of the statistics on knee pain that have been published by Classic Rehabilitation include:

  • There are more than 100 million people in the United States who suffer from chronic pain, some of them in their knees.
  • Knee pain is actually the second most common reason why people have chronic pain, with the first being back pain.
  • About a third of all Americans have been said to experience chronic pain in their knees at some point.
  • About one out of every five men in the United States complain of knee pain.

Based on these numbers, it is clear that knee pain is a common reason why people seek medical care. One potential cause is a rotational injury of the knee.

What is a Rotational Injury of the Knee?

When people sustain a rotational injury of the knee, part of their leg has been planted in the ground while the other half rotates. Think about someone who plants their leg while playing football and tries to cut or twist quickly. The bottom of their leg is planted in the ground while the top half rotates. When this happens, the ligaments and tendons can twist and potentially tear. Some of the common mechanisms include:

  • Injury while playing sports.
  • Catching the foot on the ground while falling off of a bike.
  • A pinned leg underneath a motorcycle.

When this happens, one or more structures within the knee could be damaged.

Possible Damage to the Knee Itself

The extent of the damage to the knee will depend on how far, how fast, and how forcefully the knee is rotated. In some cases, people could wind up with nothing more than a strain or a sprain of the knee. In other situations, severe damage can occur. Some of these injuries include:

  • A tear of the MCL, ACL, LCL, or PCL
  • A tear of the meniscus
  • A rupture of the patellar tendon
  • A dislocation of the kneecap
  • A strain of the muscles in and around the knee

Some of the symptoms that could arise include difficulty walking, swelling of the knee, and possible bruising. To evaluate the internal structures, it is important to obtain an MRI. This will provide details on many of the structures above. If anything is torn, surgery could be required.

Watch YouTube Video: How to Know if You Have a Serious Knee Injury.  Dr. David Geier provides four signs to look for in a serious knee injury that could require surgery.

Contact a Lawyer

There are a lot of reasons why people might be feeling pain in their knees, and some of these could require surgery. When a loved one has surgery, this could be followed by a prolonged hospital stay. This can lead to lots of sources of stress, including:

  • Logistical issues that are created by having a loved one in the hospital
  • Questions about the costs of medical care
  • Concerns over whether or not the hospital bills will be covered by insurance
  • Anxiety over whether or not the family member can return to work

It is important for families to seek help with these issues during their time of need. This is why meeting with a personal injury lawyer in Sacramento is essential. You and your loved ones could be deserving of financial compensation.

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Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a personal injury lawyer in Sacramento. Rotational injuries of the knee can lead to serious structural damage. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident, call me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I am a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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Rotational Injury of the Knee:

Photo by from Pexels /Rotational Injury of the Knee.

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