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Recommending a new book on Effects of Trauma

Home » Recommending a new book on Effects of Trauma
September 25, 2014
Edward Smith

As a holistic personal injury lawyer, I see literally hundreds of people each month suffering from the physical and emotional after-effects of trauma.

Bessel van der Kolk MD, is a psychiatrist who has treated traumatic injuries for decades and is a well known author of several very readable books on PTSD and the effect of severe trauma on the injured person and their families.

I’m very pleased to recommend Dr. van der Kolk’s newly published book entitled:
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma available on Amazon (including Kindle).

The Doctor explains the science behind how stress affects the brains feedback loops and suggests that innovative treatments including neurofeedback, mindfulness techniques and yoga can go a long way in helping along the healing process.

Good read. Recommended.