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Liability for unsupervised trampoline use

Home » Liability for unsupervised trampoline use
March 27, 2015
Edward Smith


There are thousands of children and adults hurt using trampolines each year.  While adults may well have assumed the risk of injury, it is a different situation where children are involved.

In a recent Sonoma County case, a 10 year old was playing at a friends house and they started playing a game called “Popcorn” on the trampoline.  One person sits on the edge of the trampoline and the other jumps hard into the middle, propelling the person sitting on the side into the air.  The 10 year old was propelled into the air and outside the trampoline where she fractured her ankle badly.  The 10 year old’s family sued the father who was at home with the children for failure to supervise and the case was settled out of court for some $700,000.00.

Generally speaking there are several things that can wrong on a trampoline or in a bounce house.

– There can be a collision with someone else.

–  The person may injure themselves on landing.

– They may jump off or fall off the trampoline


There may be responsibility on the homeowner or business owner if the trampoline is placed too close to trees or other objects, if more than one person is on the trampoline at the same time or if the landing surfaces surrounding the trampoline are too hard.

If small children are using the trampoline, there should always be an adult present to make sure no somersaults or other dangerous activities are engaged in.

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento personal injury lawyer and I’ve written more about this subject on my website.

Call me anytime for free friendly advice at 916-921-6400 in Sacramento .

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