Jump Start Your Dead Battery Like a Pro

Home » Jump Start Your Dead Battery Like a Pro
November 12, 2023
Edward Smith

Reviving a Car with a Dead Battery

Whether on gasoline or electricity, every car relies on a 12-volt battery to start. Without this battery, your car can’t even get going. If you leave your car parked for a long time, there’s a greater chance that you might need a jump-start or a new battery. When a car sits without being used, its battery slowly loses power, especially in modern cars with many electronic gadgets that use energy even when the car is turned off.

Jump-Starting a Vehicle

Jump-starting a car used to be easy, but it’s more complicated now that cars have become more advanced. Car experts suggest that when a car’s battery dies, the usual solution is to use jumper cables and another working vehicle to give it a jump-start. However, if you don’t do it correctly, you could harm the vehicle. For instance, trying to jump-start a damaged or frozen battery could damage the car and even be dangerous for people nearby.

Another option is to carry a portable jump starter in your car. It’s like a small backup battery that you can use to jump-start your car. You can purchase one for less than $100. These jump starters are designed to handle high temperatures, up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. They not only come to the rescue when your car’s battery dies but can also charge your phones, tablets, and other devices. They usually hold their charge for months, but it’s a good idea to check them occasionally. When buying one, ensure it can handle high temperatures because leaving it in a hot car can be problematic.

When using jumper cables, remember that one clamp is red for the positive connection, and the other is black for the negative. Battery terminals usually have a “+” sign for positive and a “-” sign for negative. You may need to clean your battery to see these signs clearly if your battery is dirty.

Standard Procedure for Jump-Starting a Car

  1. Park the working car next to the one with the dead battery. Make sure the cables can reach, but the cars don’t touch.
  2. Turn off the engines of both cars.
  3. Attach one end of the positive (red) cable to the dead battery’s positive (+) terminal.
  4. Have someone attach the other end of the positive cable to the good battery’s positive (+) terminal.
  5. Attach the negative (black) cable to the good battery’s negative (-) terminal.
  6. Then, connect the other end of the negative cable to a metal part of the car with the dead battery, like the engine or a metal surface. Be careful not to let the cable ends touch.
  7. Start the working car that’s providing the electricity.
  8. Try to start the car with the dead battery. If it doesn’t start, check your connections and make sure they are secure.
  9. If the car starts, let it run for at least 20 minutes to recharge the battery before turning it off.
  10. If the car still doesn’t start, there might be another problem. It’s a good idea to call a local service station for help.
  11. When you’re done, disconnect the cables in the opposite order of how you connected them.

Ensuring Your Car Battery Stays Alive

To keep your car battery in good condition, it’s essential to use it regularly because it recharges when you drive. You can use a particular trickle charger or battery maintainer if you don’t drive your car for a while. These devices can revive a weak battery; the best ones can even make your battery last longer.

Car batteries typically work well for about three to five years. How long they last depends on how often you drive and the temperature. Hot weather can make batteries wear out faster than cold weather.

It’s a good idea to take care of your battery and replace it when needed instead of trying to use it until it’s completely dead and then getting stuck with a car that won’t start.

Some stores that sell car parts, such as AutoZone, can check and charge your battery for free.

View the video below to observe how automotive professionals perform a car jump-start.

Northern California Personal Injury Attorney

I’m Ed Smith, a California Personal Injury Lawyer. In times of uncertainty following an auto accident, our dedicated Sacramento law firm is here to provide the support and legal guidance you need to navigate the challenges ahead. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are committed to helping you seek the compensation and justice you deserve. Call us for a free consultation and friendly advice at (916) 921-6400 or toll-free at (800) 404-5400.

Photo by Daniel @ bestjumpstarterreview

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