Identifying Tibia Fracture Symptoms

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September 27, 2018
Edward Smith

Identifying Tibia Fracture Symptoms 

Identifying Tibia Fracture Symptoms

Identifying Tibia Fracture Symptoms. A broken leg can place people in a hospital, in a wheelchair, and could even cause them to miss time from work or school. There are three different bones that make up the leg, which includes the femur, the tibia, and the fibula. The symptoms of a tibial fracture or a femur fracture can be wide and varied. According to statistics which are readily available on Up To Date:

  • A fracture of a tibia is one of the most common bone fractures seen by the medical community.
  • There are close to 500,000 fractures of the tibia which are sustained on an annual basis in this country.
  • An open fracture often results from a high-velocity traumatic accident, such as a car accident.
  • An open fracture often results from athletics or a slip and fall injury.

Because there are so many different ways that someone can sustain a broken tibia, there are lots of different symptoms that people need to watch for. If these symptoms are overlooked, a tibial fracture could go undiagnosed.

Symptoms to Watch for Tibia Broken Tibia

There are several common symptoms that people need to keep an eye out for following a traumatic accident. These include:

Pain: This is the most common symptom of a tibia fracture. While generalized pain and soreness may not indicate a broken bone, point tenderness specifically over the leg is a concerning sign. This pain will often get worse with a movement of the leg. The individual will not be able to walk.

Swelling: Almost all bone fractures have some amount of swelling over the injury site. This swelling will probably start suddenly after an accident.

Redness: Many tibia fractures will turn red around the area of a fracture. This area will often also feel warm to the touch. On contact, the pain will often get worse. This comes from the inflammatory process that results following the fracture.

Loss of Motion: When people sustain a broken tibia, they will have trouble moving their leg from side to side. They will be unable to rotate their knee. With a break in the bone, these movements are often impossible. A loss of a range of motion indicates a bone fracture.

Bruising: Sometimes, there is bruising over the site of a fracture. This comes from a bone fragment damaging one or more of the blood vessels in the area.

These are all concerning the signs and symptoms of a tibia fracture. This should lead someone to seek a thorough medical evaluation.

Watch YouTube Video: Limb Lengthening Physical Therapy Exercises – Tibia (Leg Bone). This video provides basic exercises to strengthen the tibia after surgery.

Help from a Personal Injury Attorney

Sometimes, a fracture of the tibia is displaced from its typical anatomical location. These bone fragments will need to be put back together before they can be cast. In this situation, an individual will require surgical fixation. This can place a family under a large amount of stress. When this happens, it is a good idea to meet with a personal injury lawyer in Sacramento. All of the details will need to be examined. You and your family might be entitled to financial compensation.

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Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer. The symptoms of a tibia fracture can be severe. If you or a loved one has sustained serious injuries in a car accident, call me for free, friendly advice at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.

I am happy to be a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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Identifying Tibia Fracture Symptoms:

Image Attribution: The image at the beginning of this page was seen first on Unsplash. The picture has been printed here with permission / Identifying Tibia Fracture Symptoms.

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