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Homeopathic Medicine For Neck and Shoulder Pain

Home » Homeopathic Medicine For Neck and Shoulder Pain
July 09, 2012
Edward Smith

Homeopathic Medicine For Neck and Shoulder Pain

Often distributed in liquid tinctures or lactose sugar pellets, homeopathic remedies are a safe and easy way to treat yourself with little-to-no side effects. Homeopathy is the natural medical system developed in the 1800s by a German allopathic physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Unique to Hahnemann’s work is the idea that every cure is given in minute doses to heal the body rather than forcing the body to function unnaturally from the strong effect of medicine. Homeopathy was used throughout Europe and by early settlers and pioneers in the USA. Homeopathy has now split into two major schools of thought, Classical and Clinical. Classical homeopathy is the study of Hahnemann’s early work in Europe and is characterized by a single remedy to fit the ailments of a person. Clinical homeopathy is Hahnemann’s later work, which combines single remedies into “complexes” to combined get the desired effect.

Homeopathic medicines are generally distributed as pellets or liquids, and are found online at many health food stores and pharmacies around the country. For liquid forms, a dropper is used, and dosage is measured in drops. Homeopathic remedies are generally dissolved sublingually — taken under the tongue. Popular brand names include Hyland’s, Newton’s and Doliso’s. By having some of these useful remedies on hand, you can treat yourself at home, and find pain relief from acute injuries and chronic problems. Of course, a person should always discuss the use of homeopathic medicines — along with all medications, even vitamins and supplements — with their physicians.

Some that are available include Arnica, which is available as a topical cream, a lotion, and in pill and droplet forms. It is considered a remedy for back pain relief. Nux vomica is also a popular choice for back pain, especially at night when it may interfere with sleep. For those with shooting neck pain, belladonna is often the choice. Guaiacum is also a common remedy for stiff neck due to cold or draft. And for those with chronic neck pain due to spondylosis, Calc Carb is often the choice. And Newton’s ‘Muscle Ease’ is a simple remedy for those who have muscle tension, due to stress and overexertion. For those with tearing, burning stiffness and shoulder pain, Rhus Tox is available. With shoulder pain radiating to the whole arm with weakness, Chelkidonium. Of course, Newton’s ‘Aches and Pains Relief Complex’ can be used for general shoulder and neck pain. For acute cases of sciatica, the frequent remedy is Colocynthis. Of course, the aforementioned belladonna and ruta also may be recommended. Newton’s ‘Sciatica Relief’ formula is marketed for inflammation of the nerves in the lower back and legs.

At the Edward A Smith Law Offices, we understand your pain. We have a team of professionals that includes chiropractors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, neurologists, and orthopedic surgeons, with whom we work closely to evaluate and treat your pain in a holistic fashion.