Handling Paradise Car Accidents

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September 11, 2018
Edward Smith

Handling Paradise Car Accidents

Handling Paradise Car Accidents

Handling Paradise Car Accidents – The majority of people use a vehicle frequently to get where they need to go and almost everybody walks along roadways in order to travel short distances. However, doing these normal, everyday tasks puts you at risk of being involved in a car accident. While the chance of being involved in a crash on your way to the grocery store may be relatively small on any given trip, it only takes one accident to cause serious injuries that can leave you with life-long symptoms. Because car accidents are almost never expected, it is important to know what to do beforehand so that you can be prepared when and if you are involved in a collision.

Seek Medical Attention

Your first and most important concern after being in a crash should always be to make sure that nobody is hurt. If you suspect that someone in your vehicle may have suffered a serious injury, it is important to get medical help from a professional right away. Even if your injuries don’t seem serious, you should get checked out by a medical professional as soon as you can. Some crash injuries can seem minor at first, but later develop complications or cause secondary trauma. In other cases, adrenaline may keep people from noticing how painful their injuries actually are.

While your health always comes first, getting medical help is also an important part of receiving compensation from negligent parties. While accident injuries may take days or even weeks for symptoms to develop, refusing medical help at the scene of the crash can cause insurers and juries to doubt the seriousness of your claim.

Seek Safety

The second most important step is to get to somewhere safe. Often, accidents will leave people and vehicles in the middle of a roadway where a second crash can easily happen. In order to avoid further harm, get to a safe area away from traffic as soon as you can. If possible, move your vehicle out of the road as well.

Exchange Information and Collect Evidence

According to the California Department of Insurance, drivers involved in a crash should exchange relevant information after a crash. This information includes phone numbers, home addresses, names, and insurance policies. It’s also important to record the driver’s license information and vehicle plate numbers of all involved drivers and vehicles.

After exchanging information, try to collect as much evidence from the accident scene as you can. Take pictures of any injuries you or occupants of your vehicle have suffered. Also make sure to take pictures of the area surrounding the crash, damage to vehicles, and any skid marks made on the roadway. You should also look around for people who may have witnessed the accident and take short statements from them. Make sure to collect the contact info for any witnesses you talk to.

Get in Touch With a Lawyer

The final important step to take after a car accident is calling an attorney. An experienced Paradise car accident lawyer will be able to advise you on what further actions you may need to take. If you have a viable personal injury case, your lawyer will be able to conduct investigations and begin working to make sure that you are compensated for the damages you have suffered.

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Paradise Car Accident Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a Paradise car accident lawyer. If a crash has hurt you or a person that you care about, call my office to get free, friendly advice at either (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400. Otherwise, get in touch with me online.

My firm has helped Paradise residents claim the money they deserve for losses related to wrongful death and personal injury since 1982

Learn more about my work history on my Verdicts and Settlements page or browse my reviews on the below sites:

I am proud to be a CA member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, a group for lawyers with a past settlement or trial verdict in which their client received over $1,000,000.

Handling Paradise Car Accidents: AutoAccident.com

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