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Femur Fractures in Bicycling Accidents

Home » Femur Fractures in Bicycling Accidents
February 22, 2019
Edward Smith

Femur Fractures in Bicycling Accidents

There are some serious injuries that might occur in a bike crash. One common injury is a traumatic brain injury which might be prevented by wearing a helmet. On the other hand, it is vital not to overlook other injuries as well, such as femur fractures. According to statistics that were recently published by Pedestrian and Bike Information:

  • In 2015, more than 800 people were killed in bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles.
  • This is more than two people every day.
  • This number has jumped by about 6 percent in the past ten years and represented a 12 percent increase from 2014.

These statistics demonstrate just how deadly a bicycle accident can be. Even those who survive might sustain serious complications from a broken leg.

The Design of the Study

A team of trained medical professionals conducted a research study on individuals who presented to their medical center with femur fractures after a bicycle accident. In all, they had a couple dozen individuals in their study. The average age of the individuals who were injured was in their early 40s. Almost all of the individuals were male. Some of the types of femur fractures that were detected on imaging in the study included:

  • About half of the fractures involved in the femoral neck.
  • Most of the rest were fractures through the greater trochanter.
  • About a quarter of the fractures were displaced.
  • Most individuals required surgical repair of their femur fracture.

The Results of the Study

All of the fractures did eventually heal; however, this doesn’t mean that there weren’t complications. Some issues that could develop include:

  • Two of the individuals with displaced fractures of the femoral neck developed avascular necrosis. This can lead to the death of the femoral head, requiring a hip replacement.
  • About a third of the patients returned to the operating room to have some of their pins and plates removed.
  • Three-quarters of the individuals were able to return to their baseline level of activity.

These numbers show that even though femur fractures in a bicycling accident can have a favorable prognosis, there are serious complications that might develop. Some of the other complications that were not discussed in this study include:

  • The development of serious infections following an open fracture or a surgical procedure.
  • The development of blood clots that could lead to strokes or a pulmonary embolism.
  • Possible associated bone fractures such as breaks in the tibia or fibula.
  • The development of thigh compartment syndrome following a femur fracture.

It is vital for everyone to ask for help following a severe bicycle accident, particularly one that involves bone fractures.

Watch YouTube Video: NHTSA’s Bicycle Safety Tips for Adults. The video below provides safety tips for adults when out riding a bicycle.

Contacting a Femur Fracture Injury Lawyer

If a loved one has suffered a serious injury following a major accident, such as a femur fracture, this could lead to surgery and hospitalization. This can create a stressful situation. Reaching out to a Sacramento femur fracture lawyer can help individuals find answers. Some of the ways that an injury attorney can help include:

  • Taking a look at the records of the bike crash, ensuring that the mechanism is correct in the report.
  • Ensuring that the fault in the accident has been assigned to the appropriate party.
  • Helping families pursue damages that might be related to bone fracture, associated injuries, or even emotional pain and suffering.

Following a serious accident, do not hesitate to ask for help. A trained professional can help a family through a difficult time and place them in a position to recover. Contact a femur fracture attorney in Sacramento today. You and your family might be deserving of a substantial settlement.

Sacramento Femur Fracture Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a femur fracture lawyer in Sacramento. Even though helmets may prevent traumatic brain injuries, it is also important to consider other substantial injuries, such as femur fractures. If you or a family member has suffered a fracture of the femur in a bike crash, call me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I am a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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Femur Fractures in Bicycling Accidents:

Image Attribution: The image at the top of this article is seen in its original form on Pixabay. The image has been shown here with permission/Femur Fractures in Bicycling Accidents.

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