Common Injuries Caused by Dog Bites

Home » Common Injuries Caused by Dog Bites
August 07, 2018
Edward Smith

Common Injuries Caused by Dog Bites

Common Injuries Caused by Dog Bites

I’m Ed Smith, a Vallejo dog bite lawyer. Often, when we imagine a dog bite injury, we think of small puncture wounds and a typical bite-mark pattern on an arm or leg. However, many dog breeds have sharp teeth and/or strong jaws that can cause people serious injuries in the event of an attack. Studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that about 4.5 million individuals are bitten by a dog in the U.S. every year. While the reason why these bites occur isn’t always clear, pet owners should be aware that their dogs can cause a variety of serious injuries when they bite.

What is The Most Common Serious Dog Bite Injuries?

The majority of dog bites are liable to cause serious discomfort and often come along with long recovery times and steep medical bills. Below is a list of some of the serious injuries that are frequently caused by dog bites:

  • Bone Fractures: Most often, bone fractures caused by dog bites affect the extremities such as arms, hands, feet, and legs. However, in some cases, people suffer fractured skulls and even vertebrae.
  • Eye Injuries: These injuries are especially serious and usually require the treatment and attention of a specialist in order to prevent vision loss. Dog bites are liable to cause damages such as eye hemorrhaging, corneal abrasions, orbital fractures, and more.
  • Facial Scarring: These scars are often severe and can even require expensive reconstructive surgeries that aren’t always covered by insurance plans. Additionally, facial scarring can be the cause of serious emotional trauma.
  • Infections: Dogs’ mouths are filled with bacteria, and some of that bacteria can be very harmful to humans. When dog bites break the skin, bacteria are able to enter your body and can lead to major health issues. In the most extreme cases, infected bites can be fatal.
  • Lacerations: Being attacked by a dog can mean large tears in the skin. This may happen from the bite or as a result of falling down.
  • Nerve Damage: Damage to nerves can leave people with symptoms that last long after other injuries have healed. Those who suffer from nerve damage may experience severe pain, loss of sensation, or loss of function.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A bite often causes mental trauma in addition to physical injuries. Many people who are bitten by dogs suffer from depression, anxiety, and/or PTSD. These emotional issues can sometimes be just as debilitating as physical ones.

Watch YouTube Video – by Ed Smith, Vallejo Dog Bite Lawyer – What Damages am I Able to Claim in a Dog Bite Case?

If you’d like to learn more about the compensation you can receive for a dog bite injury, check out the video below:

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Vallejo Dog Bite Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a Vallejo dog bite lawyer. Dog bites can leave people seriously injured. If you’ve been hurt by an aggressive dog, call me at (707) 564-1900 for free, friendly advice. In other areas, you can use (800) 404-5400 or my website.

Since 1982, I have helped people from Vallejo get fair compensation for wrongful death and personal injury claims.

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Photo: “pet dog” by juanmt19 through pixabay-cco

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