Citrus Heights Personal Injury Claims

Home » Citrus Heights Personal Injury Claims
October 01, 2018
Edward Smith

Citrus Heights Personal Injury Claims

Citrus Heights Personal Injury Claims

Citrus Heights Personal Injury Claims – Personal injury claims are those that arise out of injuries or deaths caused by the negligence of another person or entity. In short, because an injury would not have occurred except for a negligent act, the injured person can place a claim for damages. The damages include medical expenses, time lost from work and the pain and suffering that the event caused. In cases where an act was intentional, such as road rage or murder, the injured person may be able to also claim punitive damages, which are meant to punish the wrongdoer.

Areas Where Personal Injuries Occur

Following are some areas in which a personal injury may occur:

  • Motor vehicle accidents: This is the most common causes of injury claims. Negligent drivers who are speeding or displaying other reckless behaviors when a crash occurs can be held liable. Other negligent actions by motorists include texting while driving, running a red light, tailgating and exhibiting aggressive behaviors, which lead to an accident.
  • Truck accidents: A collision with a big truck can result in serious injuries. Truck accidents can be caused by an undertrained driver, working hours that are too long, poor maintenance and drugged or drunk driving. If a truck driver is employed by a company, then the business itself may be held liable in addition to the driver.
  • Amusement parks: Businesses that provide rides are responsible for their upkeep and safe operation.
  • Premises liability: Slip and fall accidents caused by dangerous conditions both indoors and outdoors cause many injuries every year. Property owners are required to maintain a safe premise for visitors.
  • Nursing homes: Nursing homes and assisted-living facilities must ensure that the people living there are safe, well taken care of and not subject to abuse or neglect.
  • Medical malpractice: This area of personal injury covers much more than a physician. It includes any healthcare professional, including pharmacists, hospitals, nurses and many others. Common personal injury claims include misdiagnosis, surgical errors and prescribing the wrong medications or the wrong dosage.
  • Products liability: Companies that produce products such as medical devices, furniture and automobiles are responsible for providing safe designs and manufacturing, so those items function in the way in which they were intended. When poor design, lack of appropriate warnings or defects occur, the company can be held responsible for personal injury claims through a products liability lawsuit. 
  • Dog bites: Under California Civil Code 3342, dog owners are responsible for keeping their pets on a leash in public and preventing them from harming others. Failure to do so is a personal injury that can be compensated.
  • Motorcycle and bicycle accidents: Many serious injuries and deaths to riders of motorcycles and bicycles occur each year that are caused by negligent motorists.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians are among the most vulnerable and suffer serious injuries or deaths when involved in a crash.
  • Wrongful death: Those who lose a loved one through the negligent actions of another individual or government entity can recover financial compensation through the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Citrus Heights Personal Injury Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a Citrus Heights personal injury lawyer. No matter what type of personal injury you or your loved one has suffered, fair compensation can be claimed to pay for your medical bills, time away from work and your pain and suffering. While this does not help with your physical pain, it does take away the financial worry. I am here to offer free and friendly advice for at (916) 921-6400 in the Citrus Heights area. I can also be reached at my toll-free line at (800) 404-5400 or through our online contact form at

For more than 36 years, I have worked hard to defend the rights and obtain fair compensation for those who have suffered personal injuries in Citrus Heights and other parts of Northern California. Some of the areas I work in include all types of motor vehicle accidents, wrongful death claims, and traumatic brain injuries.

I’m a member of the Million Dollar Forum. We are a nationwide group of trial attorneys who have all demonstrated a case verdict or settlement of more than one million dollars for a client.

To learn more about my law practice, please visit the following sites, which include client comments and reviews and details about some of our former cases:

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