Car Strikes Eureka Pedestrian

Home » Car Strikes Eureka Pedestrian
August 28, 2018
Edward Smith

Car Struck Eureka Pedestrian 

Car Struck Eureka Pedestrian

Car Struck Eureka Pedestrian. Local police officers have reported that one pedestrian suffered injuries after being struck by a passenger vehicle in Eureka on Saturday, August 25, 2018. Eureka Police Department (EPD) officials who assisted with responding to the crash reported that the accident happened during night hours on the main roadway within the city. The full extent of the man’s injuries have not yet been reported, but officers did note that an ambulance was called to the collision scene. EPD investigators say that they are currently trying to determine what may have been the cause of this unfortunate accident.

Crash Details

According to EPD reports, the crash took place at about 9:22 p.m. A pedestrian had been walking near the southbound lane of Broadway Street/Highway 101 in Eureka. A blue-colored Toyota Tacoma approached the pedestrian from the south in the southbound lane. The vehicle struck the pedestrian, knocking him several feet away. Whether or not the pedestrian had been crossing the roadway when the crash took place has not been reported.


Responders were immediately sent to the accident site including EPD officers as well as staff from the Humboldt Bay Fire Authority. Medics at the scene of the crash reported that the pedestrian had suffered serious injuries. Photos at the scene show several responders giving the pedestrian medical aid on the side of the highway. The pedestrian was finally lifted onto a gurney and taken to a nearby hospital via ambulance. The driver of the vehicle was not injured during the crash.


So far, EPD has not mentioned any factors they suspect to have caused this accident. Crashes such as this one are often caused by a variety of factors including things like distracted driving, intoxication, poor roadway lighting, faulty auto parts, speed limit violations, and more.

Pedestrian Injuries

Pedestrians are very vulnerable and can easily suffer serious injuries when a crash occurs. Even a low-speed crash can cause critical and even fatal trauma. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that an average of nearly 6,000 pedestrians lose their lives in United States auto accidents every year. Additionally, NHTSA’s data shows that these accidents are most likely to take place between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Some of the severe injuries that pedestrians are likely to suffer in a car accident include:

Many of these injuries can seriously affect a person’s life. Accident trauma can leave individuals with chronic symptoms that make it difficult to do daily tasks like cooking, getting dressed, or going to work. However, injured parties are often able to recover compensation for losses related to their injuries. To learn more about getting compensated after a crash, reach out to a local personal injury lawyer.

More by Ed Smith, Eureka Car Accident Lawyer

Eureka Car Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Eureka car accident lawyer. Collisions can mean serious injuries. If you have been hurt by a negligent driver, please call (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 to receive free, friendly advice. I am also available online.

I’ve proudly helped Eureka residents get the money they deserve in wrongful death and personal injury cases since 1982.

To get information about my history of success, visit my Verdicts and Settlements page or read some of my reviews at:

I am in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Those belonging to this forum are lawyers who have obtained over $1,000,000 for a client through a verdict or settlement.

For the leading reports and information about personal injury and car accidents in Northern California, see

Car Struck Eureka Pedestrian:

Photo: “night crossing” by Stock-Snap under cc0_pixabay/Car Struck Eureka Pedestrian

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