Broken Ankle Following Bicycle Accidents

Home » Broken Ankle Following Bicycle Accidents
September 29, 2018
Edward Smith

Broken Ankle Following Bicycle Accidents

Broken Ankle Following Bicycle Accidents

Broken Ankle Following Bicycle Accidents. Riding a bike grants a new sense of independence and freedom that many people use as a form of transportation to get to school, work, or to run errands around town. Furthermore, it is also an excellent method of exercise. Unfortunately, bicycle accidents can occur at any time and might even lead to serious injuries or death. Some of the statistics regarding bicycle accidents which have been published by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) include:

  • Bicycle riders involved in crashes accounted for about 2 percent of all traffic deaths in 2016.
  • The most common time for a bicycle accident is between the hours of 6 PM and 9 PM when the sun is setting.
  • Males are more likely than females to be injured or killed in a bicycle accident.
  • About three out of every four bicycle accidents occurs in an urban area.
  • Alcohol was involved in about a third of all bicycle accidents.

These statistics are concerning and help to highlight the serious nature of bicycle accidents. There are serious injuries that can occur in a bicycle accident and some of these could even lead to long-term complications that can have a severe impact on someone’s quality of life.

Ankle Injuries in Bicycle Accidents

A broken can occur in multiple ways, however, the most common mechanisms involve a fall to the side, particularly after being struck by a car, where a spoke from the bicycle impacts the ankle. The ankle is pinned by the spoke as the rest of the body rotates, leading to a snapping motion and a broken ankle. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Pain at the site of the injury
  • Swelling
  • Redness or erythema
  • Bruising, particularly if blood vessels are damaged
  • A loss of range of motion
  • An inability to walk

Recovery from a Broken Ankle

Once a broken ankle has been diagnosed, the recovery process can begin. Sometimes, people will require surgery to place the bones back in their proper location. These could be held in place with pins or screws that might remain in place for the rest of someone’s life. After this, intense physical therapy and rehabilitation will be required for someone to learn how to walk again. It can take months to restore the muscle strength, flexibility, and range of motion in a newly repaired ankle. Because of this, there are lots of challenges that families will face.

Watch YouTube Video: How to Rehabilitate an Injured Ankle. This video provides rehab exercises to strengthen an injured ankle.

Assistance from a Lawyer

If an individual sustains an injury while riding a bicycle that requires long-term rehabilitation, it can place a family under a significant amount of stress. Some of the issues include:

  • Will they ever make a full recovery following their hospital stay?
  • Could their injuries in this accident have somehow been prevented?
  • Will their health insurance cover the cost of the injury?

It is understandable to have questions and concerns following a serious injury, particularly those involving a bicycle accident. For help, start by meeting with a bicycle accident lawyer in Sacramento. You and may be entitled to financial compensation.

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Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Sacramento. A broken ankle can lead to long-term complications. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident, call me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I am a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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Broken Ankle Following Bicycle Accidents:

Image Attribution: The photo at the start of this article is seen in its original form on Unsplash. The image has been reproduced here with permission/ Broken Ankle Following Bicycle Accidents.

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