Auburn CA Crash Statistics

Home » Auburn CA Crash Statistics
April 10, 2019
Edward Smith

Auburn Crash Violations

Accidents are liable to happen anywhere there’s vehicle traffic. According to data from UC Berkeley, there were 534 injury-causing crashes in Auburn between 2007 and 2019. These accidents caused 684 injuries and cost 9 people their lives. While some accidents are out of the control of drivers, the majority of crashes happen because a driver is acting negligently. Auburn residents can improve their safety on local roads by learning about the traffic violations that have caused the most accidents in their city.

Violations Listed

The following violations are listed in order from most to least dangerous next to the number of accidents they caused during the time period in question:

  • Speeding, 209
  • DUI, 72
  • Improper Turning, 44
  • Right of Way Violations, 44
  • Unsafe Lane Changing, 21
  • Wrong Side of Road, 19
  • Tailgating, 16
  • Traffic Sign Violations, 14
  • Pedestrian Violations, 12

Less common violations all caused less than two percent of crashes. These included unsafe starting, improper passing, hazardous parking, defective brakes, and other equipment issues.


Speeding caused nearly 40 percent of the traumatic accidents in Auburn over the last decade. This means that it was well over twice as dangerous as the next most common violation. In addition to being an issue in Auburn, speeding is also one of the leading causes of traumatic accidents in all of Northern California.

Speeding causes drivers to have less control over their vehicles. This means that if a driver needs to stop or maneuver around an obstacle, they are more likely to crash if their vehicle is traveling at high speeds. Not only does driving at high speeds increase the likelihood of accidents, but it also increases the severity of injuries resulting from the accident.


According to information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, intoxicated drivers cause nearly one-third of fatality auto accidents in the United States. Because drugs and alcohol affect the reaction times and judgment of drivers, being intoxicated means that people may be involved in a crash that could have otherwise been avoided.

Recovering from Injuries

When accidents cause injuries, the process of recovery can be complicated. While people often face a long and difficult road to recovering their physical health, recovering from a car accident can also mean facing serious financial issues. Paying for surgeries, medications, hospital stays, and other costs can be stressful. Additionally, many people who are injured in a crash need to take time away from work while they recover. This loss of wages can make it even harder to pay the bills.

While these concerns can be stressful, it is important to know that crash survivors can frequently claim money for their injuries through personal injury claims. These claims seek to hold negligent parties such as reckless drivers accountable for the damage that they cause. If you want to know more about the process of pursuing a personal injury claim, get in touch with an Auburn personal injury lawyer to talk about the details of your case.

More Articles Written by Auburn Personal Injury Lawyer, Ed Smith

Auburn Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, an Auburn personal injury lawyer. Sustaining a crash injury can change your life. If you were in an accident, contact me at either (800) 404-5400 or (530) 392-9400 so I can give you free, friendly case advice.

I’ve served the Auburn community for more than 37 years. You can view my settlements and verdicts to learn more about my history of advocacy. You can also read reviews from my clients at:

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