As Pandemic Lingers, Embrace Flaneuring & Friluftsliv

Home » As Pandemic Lingers, Embrace Flaneuring & Friluftsliv
November 03, 2020
Edward Smith

Flaneuring: The Art of Wandering Aimlessly 

Since the COVID-19 restrictions hit, more people can be seen walking on trails or around their neighborhoods.  Getting outside and getting some exercise is good for one’s mental and physical health.

Putting cardiovascular benefits aside for a moment, what may be especially beneficial to our emotional well-being is the art of leisurely wandering, a concept known by the French as flaneuringFlaneuring is essentially a stroll without a goal – no checking your mobile phone, planning meals in your head, or even listening to a podcast.  The purpose of flaneuring is to simply notice your surroundings – a practice in mindfulness that can have a calming effect and could potentially increase one’s sense of well-being and happiness.

Aimless wandering is a technique promoted in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs.  Such programs encourage practitioners to be open to what is unfolding in front of them, rather than being focused on a specific activity or movement.  The art of aimless wandering encourages the wanderer to notice sights, sounds, and smells while in the role of an appreciative observer.

Without removing the important unstructured aspect of flaneuring, there are a few things to keep in mind before you begin your leisurely stroll:

  • Leave your phone at home or store it somewhere not easily accessible to avoid distractions.
  • Make sure your leisurely stroll is in a safe area so that you can relax while you walk. Do not aimlessly wander through busy intersections. A well-populated and well-maintained trail is a good option and one in which you do not have to be hyperaware of your surroundings.
  • Let someone know where you are going and your expected time of return.
  • Dress comfortably and weather-appropriately. It is hard to practice mindfulness if you are freezing or your shoes are too small.
  • Incorporate elements of a game.  Adding a little bit of structure to the wander can be a good idea.  An example is making the decision to turn around when you happen upon a certain type of tree or a large mailbox.
  • Remove yourself from autopilot. Stroll toward anything that catches your interest rather than toward a specific destination.
  • Winter is approaching.  The cold months are a good time to combine flaneuring with friluftsliv.

What the Heck is Friluftsliv?

Friluftsliv (free-loofts-liv), is a Norwegian concept that embraces open-air living in spite of poor weather. It involves a mindset shift from dreading the cold to a willingness to engage with winter elements. Friluftsliv is meant to be a minimalist approach to outdoor recreation, so it doesn’t require you to learn new skills or buy expensive gear; it simply requires that you bundle up and go outdoors to experience the positive impact that fresh air and nature can have on your mental health.  Embracing the winter weather will be especially important during this pandemic when the safest place to interact with others socially is outdoors.

Watch the YouTube video.  This Tedx Talk goes further into the benefits of friluftsliv.

Now Why Not Add Some Hygge 

Since we have flaneured and Friluftsliv-ed, it’s time to come home to some hyggeHygge is the Danish concept of coziness that describes how many Scandinavians happily hunker through cold, dark winters.  Once you have wandered aimlessly in the freezing weather, enjoy the hygge feeling of coming home and wrapping yourself in a flannel blanket while you sip a hot beverage in front of the fire.  

These concepts from other parts of the world can help us embrace winter activities and find joy in the little things.

South Lake Tahoe Personal Injury Lawyer

Hello and thank you for stopping by.  I’m Ed Smith, a personal injury lawyer in South Lake Tahoe.  Winter road accidents are often severe.  If you have been injured in an automobile accident caused by another driver’s negligence, you will benefit from talking with a car accident lawyer.  Call us at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 to speak to one of our case managers or injury lawyers.  We are happy to offer free and friendly advice.

To see what prior clients have to say about our legal services, visit the links below:

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