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FAA Ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Home » FAA Ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7
September 24, 2016
Edward Smith

FAA Bans Galaxy Note 7

Aviation Accident Attorney Discusses FAA Ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Catching Fire? Not on US Flights, says the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 

Strong Warning Issued to US Airline Passengers

On September 7, 2016, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) warned all US passengers against using a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on all domestic airlines. This warning was upgraded to a complete ban on using the devices on September 17, 2016.

Details on the FAA Ban

The FAA decided to upgrade its warning to a ban after only 172,000 Samsung customers traded in their phones in response to the device recall. The ban prohibits passengers from using or charging the devices while requiring owners to disable features that may accidentally power on the devices. All users are also banned from stowing the phones in checked baggage for fear of them igniting the luggage compartment on fire aFireausing an airplane accident.

What is Happening?

Fears of the devices exploding began in late August when owners reported their phones exploded. Samsung eventually recalled the devices after 92 customers reported their batteries overheating. The US Consumer Products Safety Commission issued an official recall notice of 1 million Note 7 devices on September 15, 2016. The slow speed of the defective product recall and the extreme risk posed to airlines drove the FAA to ban the devices for fear of them catching fire on US flights.

Why Are the Note 7s Catching fire?

Firefluid within the lithium-ion batteries most electronic devices use is highly flammable. If the battery pack is somehow punctured, the device’s electricity can travel through this hole, igniting the battery and the phone. With the Note 7, the phone runs hot, causing the battery to expand and tear itself, enabling the spark to reach the fluid and igniting a fire.

If a Phone Catches Fire on an Airplane

If a device catches on fire dFireg a flight, the consequences could range from minor to severe. Flight attendants and other members are trained to respond to cabin fires, but even a minor fire could severely affect an aircraft.

Dangerous Fumes of a Fire

A fire within the pressurized fuselage of an aircraft, however, could affect the cabin pressure of the aircraft. Additionally, passengers would be unable to escape the dangerous fumes from the fire aFireere is nowhere for the smoke to escape. Finally, passengers around the fire woFirelikely receive minor to severe burn injuries before they can leave the area.

Luggage Compartment Fire

Fire from the luggage compartment of an aircraft, though, could have much more severe consequences. Airplane baggage compartments have fire detection systems, but their fire suppression systems are less advanced. This would make it difficult to put out the fire ouFirehereby forcing an emergency landing or even a crash.

Possible Injuries from an In-Flight Fire

The injuries from an in-flight fire range from minor burns and smoke inhalation to deep-tissue burns, chemical burns of the people’s airways, and even death. Additionally, many people in the areas not affected by the fire sustain bruises, broken bones, and potentially crush injuries from the panic an in-flight fire would likely cause.


The FAA’s ban vastly decreases the chances of the above scenarios, but the ban comes with no enforcement provisions. This means airline passengers could still feasibly use their recalled device on an aircraft, risking the health and well-being of everyone aboard. If anyone sees another passenger using a Note 7 on an aircraft, notify the flight crew immediately.

Sacramento Airplane Crash Attorneys

I’m Ed Smith. If you or someone you love has been in an aviation accident, please call Sacramento Airplane Crash Attorneys. I’ve been helping people recover compensation for their personal injury and wrongful death claims since 1982.

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