Vehicular Accident at Intersection in Antelope

Home » Vehicular Accident at Intersection in Antelope
September 18, 2019
Edward Smith

Vehicular Accident at Intersection in Antelope

A vehicular accident in Antelope occurred on September 16 between a silver SUV and a Toyota Prius. The collision happened at the intersection of Elverta Road and Driver Way not far from The House of Chicken and Ribs. After the initial collision, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) that were at the scene of the accident said the Toyota Prius hit a pole, which remained upright. Responders said the airbags in the Prius deployed after impact. When police arrived, there were 10 young people standing near the pole, and it has not yet been confirmed if they were in any of the vehicles. Debris was scattered on the roadway, and cleanup crews were called to the scene. The second and third lanes were blocked for a short time due to the accident, and tow trucks arrived to remove at least one of the vehicles. Injuries were reported by authorities who were at the accident site. There is no word at this time whether the individuals involved in the vehicular accident were transported to the hospital. 

Intersection Vehicular Accidents

Intersection accidents are common and involve approximately 40 percent of all crashes. In addition, close to 50 percent of all serious vehicular accidents occur in intersections in addition to 20 percent of fatal crashes. One of the reasons intersection accidents happen is due to driver error and confusion. When two to six lanes converge, it leads to uncertainty among drivers about who has the right-of-way. Even drivers who do have the right-of-way need to be aware that other motorists may continue on without yielding. Intersections with stop signs often lack signage that is visible from an appropriate distance due to sign disrepair or foliage that overgrows the area, hiding them from view. Many intersection accidents are caused by a driver who runs a red light

How to Protect Yourself at an Intersection

There are ways to protect yourself from becoming a statistic when entering an intersection. According to the Federal Highway Administration:

Drivers who are making a right turn need to be sure the passenger vehicle or truck in front of them has cleared. There are many instances of rear-end crashes at intersections because the lead vehicle did not continue moving forward. 

  • Drivers must be aware of cross-traffic at an intersection. Even if the driver is compliant with the rules concerning who has the right-of-way at an intersection, not everyone else will be. 
  • Faulty or non-operational traffic lights are the source of many serious accidents at intersections. If a driver finds themselves in this situation, it is proper to treat the intersection as one with a four-way stop. Still, it is important to be aware that not all drivers are aware of this rule. 
  • Never change lanes when driving through an intersection since another driver may be entering one of the lanes from a crossroad. This often results in a side-swipe collision, which is one of the most common types seen in intersections. 
  • Drivers need to also watch out for others in an intersection. This includes bicyclists and pedestrians. Vehicular/cyclist accidents occur most frequently when a driver makes a right-hand turn unaware of a bicyclist on the right or in the bicycle lane.

What an Attorney Can Do for You

Our firm has handled numerous intersection vehicular accidents since 1982. In such cases, we are acutely aware of the need to secure evidence found at the scene and to build a strong case for negligence on the part of the at-fault driver. To accomplish this, we immediately dispatch our investigators to the crash site where they scour the area for critical evidence that will help determine who was at fault and how the accident happened. We also review police reports for accuracy and interview witnesses to the crash. If video footage of the accident is available, our investigators use it to confirm details of the causative factors involved in a vehicular accident. Once this data has been accumulated, we release it to our attorneys who use it to structure a strong case against the at-fault driver.

Antelope Car Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, an Antelope car accident lawyer. When you are involved in an accident, it is important to have the insight an injury lawyer can provide. I can help. Call me at (916) 921-6400 or at (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly advice. You can also reach me online

I’ve helped residents of Antelope and the wider Sacramento area for over 37 years obtain the compensation they deserve in all types of car accidents, wrongful deaths, and motorcycle crashes.

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