Smartphones and Distracted Driving

Home » Smartphones and Distracted Driving
August 04, 2023
Edward Smith

Do Smartphones Cause Distraction or Offer Prevention?

When discussing distracted driving, our first thought is often about smartphones. They have become indispensable and addictive, but they can also be dangerous.

In 2021, police reports revealed that approximately 3,350 individuals lost their lives in crashes caused by distractions, while 382 fatalities were explicitly linked to cell phone usage crashes. However, these numbers are likely underestimates because drivers may not admit to using their phones, and police sometimes can’t determine phone use in fatal crashes. A recent report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) suggests that the death toll from all types of distraction could be three times higher, and cell phones may be involved in as many as 6 percent of all crashes.

Smartphones Solve Distracted Driving?

Interestingly, our phones can also solve distracted driving through a “do not disturb” feature that blocks calls and notifications while driving. Some apps can help reduce other distractions, promote safer driving speeds, and provide essential crash avoidance for all vehicles in the U.S. fleet. Major smartphone companies are interested in being part of this solution.

One advantage of smartphones is how quickly their features can become widespread. Unlike in-vehicle technologies, which can take decades to reach most vehicles, smartphone apps can reach millions of users instantly. For instance, its usage increased significantly when Apple made it easier for iPhone users to enable the “do not disturb” feature while driving.

Regulators and safety advocates are working with tech companies, just as they do with automakers, to improve safety features. Google and other organizations are part of the National Distracted Driving Coalition (NDDC), showcasing technologies to combat distraction. However, more can be done to encourage the adoption of safety features, such as making the “do not disturb” function turn on automatically when driving.

Can Smartphones Improve Driving Safety?

Beyond addressing device-based distraction, smartphones can help improve overall driving safety. For example, apps can provide intelligent speed assistance, alerting drivers when they exceed speed limits. Additionally, apps can substitute for safety features in older vehicles that lack them, like forward collision warning systems.

While distracted driving has always been a concern, smartphones can become valuable tools to combat distractions and promote safer driving habits if appropriately utilized.

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

Smartphones are just one of many things that contribute to distracted driving. Activities like eating, grooming, adjusting the radio, or interacting with passengers divert a driver’s attention from the task. Even daydreaming or being lost in thought can lead to hazardous inattention on the road. Distractions are perilous because they can occur at any time, often without warning, and even a momentary lapse in focus can have severe consequences.

The consequences of distracted driving are devastating and far-reaching. Lives are shattered, families are torn apart, and communities are left to grapple with the aftermath of tragic accidents. The impact goes beyond the immediate victims; witnesses and first responders are also affected by the emotional toll of witnessing such preventable incidents.

Despite widespread awareness campaigns and stricter laws, distractions remain alluring to some drivers. Many mistakenly believe they can handle multitasking while driving without compromising safety. However, research and real-world data consistently show that multitasking behind the wheel significantly increases the risk of car accidents.

Addressing distracted driving requires a collective effort. It starts with individual responsibility and a commitment to staying focused on the road. Furthermore, education about the dangers of distracted driving should be an integral part of training programs for new and experienced drivers.

The following video discusses some smartphone apps to help avoid distracted driving.

California Personal Injury Attorney

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to someone’s negligence in an accident, don’t hesitate to contact our law firm at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400. Our legal team is here to provide free and friendly advice. With a track record dating back to 1982, we have helped numerous clients obtain fair compensation for their injury cases. You can also explore our list of verdicts and settlements to see our successful outcomes.

Photo by melissa mjoen on Unsplash

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