Preventing Dog Bite Incidents

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October 01, 2018
Edward Smith

Preventing Dog Bite Incidents

Preventing Dog Bite Incidents

Preventing Dog Bite Incidents – About 4.5 million people are bitten or attacked by dogs in the United States every year. Children and senior citizens are the most at risk of injury. Nearly 800,000 of these victims need medical treatment, and about 15 to 20 of them die from their injuries as a result of the bite or attack. It is important to teach children and adults what to do to avoid getting bit. It’s also essential that dog owners do whatever they can to keep their dog from biting people. Below are four methods of preventing dog bite incidents.

Method 1: Interaction with a Dog

Learn the Warning Signs

Dogs do try to communicate with us. Learning their body language can help you pick up on certain warning signs that may determine whether they will bite or not. Don’t make eye contact or approach a dog that is outside of his comfort zone. Some warning signs that a dog is stressed out may include:

  • Baring teeth
  • Ears flattened back
  • Growling
  • Staring
  • Stiff or erect tail slowly wagging
  • Tense body

Ask for Permission to Pet a Dog

When you encounter a new dog, ask the owners first if you can approach the dog. If they say yes, let the dog get a feel for you before petting him. Dogs usually do this by smelling your hand. Dogs are naturally curious and may want to approach you slowly. If you don’t allow them to sniff you before you pet them, they may bite in self-defense.

  • Hold your hand in a cup to introduce yourself to small dogs.
  • For large dogs, hold your hand out in a relaxed manner.
  • Don’t reach over the dog’s head to pet him. He may see it as a threat and bite.
  • Don’t surprise a dog and touch him when he is not expecting it.

Don’t Run from an Aggressive Dog

If you approach a dog that seems to be tense, don’t make eye contact. Instead, slowly back away and put an object between you and the dog. If it seems an attack may happen:

  • Don’t move. Stand still and tell the dog, “No!” in a firm voice.
  • Be like a tree. While standing, hold your hands in front of you, lower your head and look at your feet.
  • Stand quietly until the dog goes away or help arrives.

Avoiding the Bite

If a dog does attack you, do whatever you can to avoid his teeth. Put something between you and the dog like your purse, a jacket or a backpack. If you fall down, curl into a ball with your head tucked in and put your arms around your head, ears, and neck. This makes it harder for the dog to bite areas that could be prone to serious injuries.

 Method 2: Teach Children to Avoid Getting Bit

Teach Children to Respect a Dog’s Space

Children need to be taught how to interact with dogs and respect their territory. Tell children that they should never touch a dog without permission.

  • Children should never go near a dog that is chained or tied up.
  • Children should not hug a dog. This is the most common way a child can get bit in the face.

Teach Children to Play Nice

Rough play can provoke a response from a dog or the dog can get overly excited and bite the child.

  • Teach children not to hit a dog.
  • Teach children not to take a dog’s toy or tease the dog.

Teach Children to Avoid Startling a Dog

Dogs may bite if they are startled or see a sudden threat. Teach children never to touch a dog that is:

  • Eating
  • Chewing on a bone
  • Cornered
  • Sleeping

Method 3: Teach Your Dog Not to Bite

Let Your Dog Socialize Early

Pets owners have the responsibility to prevent their dogs from biting. Dogs that feel threatened or uncomfortable with new people are more likely to bite. Dog owners can prevent this by:

  • Socializing the puppy at an early age (between three and 12 weeks old).
  • Introducing the dog to people in a familiar environment like your home.
  • Acclimating the dog to eat around people.

Train Your Dog Basic Commands

A disciplined dog is easier to manage. Teach your dog basic commands like sit, stay and come will keep him disciplined.

  • Remember to give your dog a treat when he does one of the commands.
  • Teach your dog to sit and wait while placing his food dish down.

Be a Responsible Owner

While disciplining your dog is important, it’s not okay to hit him violently. Give your dog love and attention to ensure him that people are his friends. Abused or neglected dogs are more likely to bite people than dogs who are in a loving home.

Method 4: Avoid High-Risk Situations

Keep Your Dog Healthy

A sick dog is more dangerous even if he is gentle or well trained. Make sure your dog has all his required shots. As a dog gets older, he can experience chronic pain and health conditions, which can make him more grumpy and likely to bite.

Keep Your Dog on a Leash When Outdoors

Having your dog on a leash can prevent him from biting people. If strangers make your dog nervous, consider using a soft muzzle to prevent aggressive behavior like barking or nipping.

Keep Your Dog Out of Trouble

As the owner of your dog, only you know the best way to keep your dog out of trouble. If you know that your dog doesn’t get along with other dogs, don’t bring him to a dog park. If he gets aggressive around strangers, keep him in a different room when you have guests over.

Watch YouTube Video: Teaching a Dog to Stop Biting and Mouthing. Preventing Dog Bite Incidents. This video explains what you can do to prevent your puppy from biting and nipping your hands.

Roseville Dog Bite Lawyer

My name is Ed Smith, and I am a Roseville dog bite lawyer. Not all dogs will bite, but even the most gentle dog can bite if provoked. If you or a family member has suffered injuries from a dog bite or attack, please call me at 916.921.6400 or 800.404.5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I am a member of the Million Dollar Forum.

Please see results we have achieved on our verdicts and settlements page.

My client reviews are on Avvo, Google and Yelp.

Preventing Dog Bite Incidents:

Photo by Jacub Gomez from Pexels / Preventing Dog Bite Incidents.

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