Pedestrian Fatality Reported at Antelope Intersection

Home » Pedestrian Fatality Reported at Antelope Intersection
September 16, 2021
Edward Smith

Accident at Walerga Road Causes Fatality of Pedestrian

An Antelope accident during the evening hours of September 12 caused a pedestrian fatality. The collision happened at the intersection of Walerga and Elverta roads around 10:11 p.m. when the pedestrian was struck by a black sedan, according to the incident report by the California Highway Patrol (CHP). The driver of the vehicle remained at the scene of the accident, and first responders with Sac Metro Fire arrived at the site, where the pedestrian was declared dead. The CHP is conducting an investigation to determine how the pedestrian fatality accident occurred and to assign fault.

Causes of a Pedestrian Fatality Resulting in Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one is always tragic and causes a great deal of grief, but it is worse when your loss was caused by a negligent driver or entity. Although pedestrians are sometimes the cause of their own injuries and deaths by disregarding traffic laws or committing risky behaviors, motorists or others are just as often guilty of causing a pedestrian fatality. Some of the reasons these accidents happen include:

  • A driver who runs a red light runs the risk of striking a pedestrian in the crosswalk.
  • Distracted drivers can cause a pedestrian fatality because they are busy texting, looking elsewhere, or doing other activities that take their eyes off the road.
  • Drunk drivers are a danger to everyone sharing the roadway. Because their eyes have trouble tracking and they can’t judge distance, they are at high risk of causing a pedestrian fatality.
  • Government negligence can lead to a pedestrian fatality. Bad lighting, mistimed crossing or traffic lights, and obscured intersections caused by overgrown foliage can all affect a motorist’s ability to see a pedestrian in time to avoid a collision. When government neglect is the cause of a pedestrian fatality or injury, they can be held responsible financially.
  • Tailgating can lead to a pedestrian fatality when a vehicle waiting for the light to turn at an intersection ends up being rear-ended. This type of accident can push the first vehicle further into the crosswalk or intersection, causing serious injuries to others or a pedestrian fatality.
  • Speeding often leads to a traffic accident. When people on foot are involved, it frequently results in a pedestrian fatality. Research shows that the faster a vehicle is going when it strikes a pedestrian, the higher the risk of a fatality. 

Recovery of Damages Following a Wrongful Death

The immediate family of a deceased loved one can place a wrongful death lawsuit if the person died due to someone else’s negligence. The following can be recovered:

  • Wages the deceased person earned can be recovered up until their age of retirement, including any bonuses and other perks of the job such as pension or insurance.
  • The cost of the funeral and burial expenses are recoverable.
  • The surviving spouse can recover damages for the loss of consortium, moral support and affection.
  • Children in the family can recover damages for the loss of parental guidance, love, and affection the decedent provided.
  • Loss of household service is recoverable. This includes services provided by the deceased at the home such as childcare, taking care of the lawn and vehicle and others.

Antelope Wrongful Death Lawyer

I am Ed Smith, an Antelope wrongful death lawyer. When you’ve lost a loved one, nothing can replace them, but the financial strain may make things worse. If you want to find out whether you can place a wrongful death claim to recover those losses because a negligent driver caused the death of your loved one, call us at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly advice. We can also be reached online if that is easier for you.

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Photo attribution: Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay 

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