Open Femur Fracture

Home » Open Femur Fracture
May 15, 2017
Edward Smith


Open Femur Fracture

Emergent Treatment is Necessary for an Open Femur Fracture

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Femur Fracture Lawyer. There are many different types of fractures of the femur ranging from hairline fractures to serious injuries that require surgery. One of the more serious types of femur fractures is called an open fracture and this type of break requires emergent care.

What is an Open Femur Fracture?

An open fracture is a bone fracture that has broken through the skin and has left a bone fragment sticking out of the patient’s body. In this case, it is a break in the femur (the major bone that makes up the upper part of the leg) that has one or more fragments protruding through the skin of the thigh. The very sight of this injury can be greatly disturbing to patients and requires emergent attention from an experienced medical professional to avoid complications.

Watch Youtube Video – Open Fractures. Although this video discusses an open tibial fracture and we are discussing an open femur fracture, it gives the viewer information about open fractures are how they are repaired.

The Bleeding Must be Stopped

In order to cause a femur fracture, the patient must be involved in a high-energy event such as an auto accident or a truck accident that has led to extensive traumatic injuries. The statistics on femur fractures are interesting; however, in the event of an open fracture, there is the potential for a significant loss of blood, particularly if the femoral artery has been damaged. This creates an emergency situation. An experienced medical provider will apply pressure over the wound while trying to limit the amount of pain that the patient may feel. While the bleeding is being stopped through pressure, the patient will also be started on a variety of fluids that will be used to maintain the blood volume. Sometimes, patients will require a blood transfusion as a result of extremity trauma. Once the bleeding has been stabilized, the repair can move forward.

The Fracture Must be Repaired

Once the patient has been stabilized, imaging studies of the femur fracture may be used to get a better idea of what the femur fracture looks like internally. The physician will look for any adjacent structures that may have been damaged and will plan for surgical repair. In the event of an open fracture, surgery for the femur fracture will be required. While being transported to the operating room, the fracture will be draped in sterile gauze in an attempt to ward off infection. Unfortunately, infection is a common comorbidity with open fractures because bacteria can enter through the broken skin. The surgeon will set the bones in the proper anatomical location and may use pins and plates to place the bones in their proper location.

Watch Youtube Video – Fracture of the Femur. In this video you will learn about femur fractures. The video does not depict an open femur fracture.

The Recovery Process May be Long

Depending on the number of pieces and the severity of the fracture, physical therapy for a broken leg may be required. Patients should expect to have a long recovery process that moves from lying in bed to standing, walking, and running with the help of a physical therapy program. The prognosis of an open fracture is going to depend on the severity of the fracture, the quality of the repair, and the other comorbidities of the patient.

Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Femur Fracture Lawyer. Open femur fractures are serious issues that have the potential for tremendous loss of blood, infection, and chronic complications. Anyone who has suffered an open femur fracture may call me at (916)-921-6400 for friendly, free advice. When calling outside of the local area, you may use my toll-free line at (800) 404-5400.

I am member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum of California. This group’s membership includes many of the top-rated trial lawyers in the country. Injury lawyers in the forum have obtained million-dollar verdicts.

See some of my verdicts and settlements here.

My client reviews may be inspected on Avvo, Yelp, and Google.

Image Attribution: Wikimedia Commons – public domain images.

Video Attribution: Youtube

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