Highway Accidents Near Rio Linda

Home » Highway Accidents Near Rio Linda
June 28, 2018
Edward Smith

Highway Accidents Near Rio Linda

Highway Accidents Near Rio Linda

I’m Ed Smith, a Rio Linda car accident lawyer. Rio Linda is a tranquil town, but local residents frequently take Interstate 80 or State Route 99 to head to other destinations for business or to visit friends and family. Unfortunately, collisions are not uncommon on California highways, and multiple vehicle crashes happen frequently. The result can be serious injury or loss of a loved one.

Multiple Vehicle Accident Liability

Multiple vehicle crashes are among the most difficult types of car accidents to assign liability. This is because vehicles involved in a collision may have been hit by multiple other cars and end up in unusual positions. Forensic experts frequently have to use accident reconstruction techniques to determine what the initial cause of the accident was and in what order the vehicles collided in order to assign fault. Using evidence such as vehicle damage, skid marks, car placement and other information, they can reconstruct the accident as it happened. In this way, an injured person involved in a crash can claim fair compensation for their injuries or for the loss of their loved one through a wrongful death claim.

Injuries Suffered in Multiple Vehicle Crashes

The extent of serious injuries suffered in a typical car accident can be compounded in a multiple vehicle crash as a car is hit in the front, back or sides. Injuries that can be suffered in such accidents include:

  • Abdominal trauma: Some of these injuries may occur due to the collision impact while others are because of the seat belt. While seat belts can cause injuries, they will be much less severe than a collision without them. Abdominal injuries may include spleen, liver or other organ damage as well as internal bleeding. It is not unusual for this type of injury to require emergency surgery to repair.
  • Fractured bones; Broken bones are common results of a motor vehicle collision. This is especially true of those riding in the front seat, where impact with the dashboard or crushed front end of a vehicle can cause broken bones in the feet and legs.
  • Chest injuries: Injuries to the chest can be caused by a collision or when an individual strikes the steering wheel or dashboard. Seat restraints and airbags can also cause injuries to the chest; however, they will be less severe than without these safety devices. Injuries to the chest can include internal bleeding and broken ribs to a punctured lung or even heart damage.
  • Back and spinal cord injuries: Back injuries of any type may cause permanent pain and disability. However, injuries to the spinal cord can be much more severe, causing paralysis, problems with breathing and nerve damage, depending on the location.
  • Traumatic brain injury: Brain injuries are common in motor vehicle collisions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle accidents are the most significant cause of fatalities for those with TBIs.
  • Burns: Vehicles catch fire more often in multiple vehicle crashes. Treatment for burns depends on the severity but may require skin grafts and extensive hospitalization.

Rio Linda Car Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Rio Linda car accident lawyer. Motor vehicle accident injuries leave behind high medical bills, lost income and other costs. However, when those accidents are caused by a negligent driver, those expenses can be recovered. If you or your loved one was injured in a collision, an experienced car accident lawyer can help. Please phone me at (916) 921-6400 for friendly and free advice. I can also be reached at (800) 404-5400 or on my website at our contact page.

I have had a law practice for over 36 years, serving Rio Linda and other areas in Northern California to obtain fair compensation, including traumatic pedestrian injuries and in wrongful deaths for clients.

I hold a California membership at milliondollaradvocates.com. This national forum is open only to lawyers who have won a trial verdict/settlement in excess of $1 million for a client.

I invite you to look over some of our previous cases and reviews by former clients at:

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