Motorcycle Collision on Palm Avenue and Bullard Avenue in Fresno

Home » Motorcycle Collision on Palm Avenue and Bullard Avenue in Fresno
October 27, 2023
Edward Smith

Fresno Motorcycle Crash on Palm Avenue

On October 23, 2023, the Fresno Police Department reported a vehicle versus motorcycle crash at the intersection of Palm Avenue and Bullard Avenue. The incident occurred at approximately 4:00 p.m. and involved a passenger vehicle and a motorcyclist, officials said.

Details on the Motorcycle Crash on Palm Avenue in Fresno

A preliminary release by Fresno PD revealed that a motorcycle rider was taken to the hospital after a crash when a vehicle allegedly turned left directly in front of the biker.

The involved driver remained at the crash site and cooperated with investigators. Further details were not immediately available due to an ongoing investigation into the motorcycle crash.

Types of Recoverable Losses in a Motorcycle Accident Case

If an individual is injured in a motorcycle crash in California, there are two types of compensation an injured party may qualify for. These include economic damages, which cover the financial losses from the incident and the resulting injuries. Economic damages generally include past and future costs of treatment, lost earnings, diminished earning capacity, and other relevant financial losses. Non-economic damages compensate injured parties for intangible harm. This may include loss of consortium for the impact that accident-related injuries have had on marital relationships, disfigurement and scarring from physical injuries, pain and suffering, and more.

A successful case result depends on properly establishing the opposing party’s liability for the crash through clear and compelling evidence. In addition to any evidence gathered and preserved following the collision, the traffic incident report will also include a substantial amount of information, including the facts of the car versus motorcycle crash and a police officer’s determination of fault. If anyone witnessed the crash, it is useful to ask for their contact information. An eyewitness account is important as it provides an independent recollection of the events that occurred in the motorcycle collision.

Copies of medical records and bills should be requested and obtained from all providers. Immediate medical treatment is also important as it demonstrates that the injuries occurred because of the crash and not from another cause. The goal of a personal injury claim is to ensure that the amount fully covers all resulting losses from crash-related injuries. If a claimant receives an unsatisfactory response or a denied claim from the insurer, it may be appropriate to file a lawsuit with the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Importance of Retaining Legal Counsel

An injured party may handle negotiations with the insurer on their own for a motorcycle crash. However, it is likely that the insurance carrier may attempt to take advantage of a claimant without legal counsel. A claims adjuster may appear supportive and sympathetic over the phone. It is essential for injured parties to understand that the goal of claims adjusters is to prioritize the insurance company’s interests and pay the lowest amounts possible on claims. This serves to protect the company’s profit margins. It is often in an injured party’s best interest to retain legal counsel immediately.

Having a lawyer on your side not only saves you valuable time to focus on your recovery and rebuilding your life after a traumatic crash but will also provide you with the assurance that your attorney will protect your rights and best interests. Moreover, an experienced lawyer will ensure that all necessary legal criteria and deadlines concerning your case are met on your behalf. Most California personal injury attorneys offer free case reviews as well. Get started with a free consultation with an experienced lawyer from today. Before calling, watch this video about our law firm and our services.

Personal Injury Lawyer in Fresno

Motorcycle collisions may be particularly traumatic, and it is often stressful to determine the next steps, especially if the incident involves serious injuries. Having an experienced Fresno personal injury lawyer on your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Allow our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team at to assist you through the legal process and recover the full compensation you deserve. For more details and to receive advice on your case that is free and friendly, dial (559) 377-7676 or (800) 404-5400.

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