Fatal Redding Area Collision

Home » Fatal Redding Area Collision
June 11, 2018
Edward Smith

Fatal Redding Area Collision

Fatal Redding Area Collision

I’m Ed Smith, a Redding personal injury lawyer. A man from Weaverville received serious injuries and tragically lost his life after he was involved in a car accident that took place on a rural area roadway. Redding area California Highway Patrol (CHP) personnel who responded to the accident reported that the crash occurred during the evening of Sunday, June 3, 2018.  My deep sympathy is with those who are now mourning the loss of their friend and family member after this terrible crash.

Accident Information

CHP reported that the accident took place on Lance Gulch Road in Weaverville at about 6:05 p.m. Just before the crash, a man had been driving a 1974 Chevrolet vehicle northbound to the north of Browns Ranch Road. CHP says that the vehicle veered off of the roadway for unknown reasons.

After the car veered off the road, it sideswiped a small tree before continuing a short distance and finally crashing head-on into another, larger tree. The impact caused the Chevrolet to come to a sudden stop. Investigators say that this sudden stop threw the man forward, causing his chest to strike the steering wheel forcefully.


Officers from the Weaverville Volunteer Fire Department, Cal Fire, CHP, and the Trinity County Sheriff’s Office all responded to the accident. Response officers found the man inside of his vehicle with life-threatening injuries.

The man was treated on-site by Trinity County Life Support medics while responders waited for a helicopter ambulance that would take him to the Mercy Medical Center in Redding. However, the man was tragically declared deceased by ambulance staff before he could be given treatment at the hospital.


CHP is currently trying to find out what factors caused this crash to happen. Officers have not stated any suspected factors so far. Additionally, CHP reports did note that the man had not been wearing a seatbelt when the crash took place.

Many different factors may have caused this accident. Factors that commonly cause crashes like this one include things like faulty brakes or steering systems, hazards in the roadway, medical emergencies, low visibility conditions, and more.

Auto Part Liability

When vehicles don’t function the way they should, drivers, passengers, and pedestrians are put in serious danger. Defects in parts like gas pedals, tires, seat belts, and airbags can cause major and even fatal injuries. When this happens, those responsible for making and/or selling the part can often be held liable to pay for damages related to the accident. To learn more, contact an experienced auto products liability lawyer.

More by Ed Smith, Redding Personal Injury Lawyer

Redding Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Redding personal injury lawyer. Losing a person you love can be devastating. If a car accident has left your friend or family member with fatal trauma, contact (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 for friendly, free legal advice. Also, you can reach me online at AutoAccident.com.

For 36 years and counting, I have assisted Redding residents in claiming fair repayment in cases of serious personal injury and/or wrongful death.

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