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Truck Safety: Electronic Logging Devices

Home » Truck Safety: Electronic Logging Devices
December 22, 2015
Edward Smith

Electronic Logging DevicesElectronic Logging Devices

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) will become a requirement by December 2017. Truck drivers who have ELDs in the cabs of their trucks will no longer be required to maintain and keep a paper log. This according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA). The FMSCA claims this new rule will save the industry around $1 billion a year. A savings of money and time spent on paperwork.

A Mandate for: Electronic Logging Devices

Electronic logging devices must be properly installed and in use in December 2017. Mandate applies to all drivers who are required to keep record of their work duty status. Some exceptions apply, for example, operators who drive models older than the year 2000, etc.

Watch Youtube Video: INSIDE FMCSA’s ELECTRONIC LOGGING DEVICE MANDATE by our friends at Overdrive. The video below goes into greater depth and detail of the new mandate requiring electronic logging devices.

Specifications of the Electronic Logging Devices

Unit must record date, location and time information. Location may generally be in the form of GPS coordinates (although GPS is not required). Engine hours must be recorded and synchronized to engine on and off times.

Transfer of Data

Electronic logging devices must have the ability to transmit data during roadside inspections. Interfaces acceptable for date transfer include: wireless web-based servers, Bluetooth, email or USB. Other requirements include print-out reports and other screen generated graphs.

Supporting Documents of the Driver

Commercial drivers must keep maximum of eight supporting records for every 24-hour period of time they are on duty. The supporting records may be in electronic or paper format, for each 24-hour period. Commercial drivers must take their supporting records to their carrier no later than 13 days of receiving same. Carriers must hold onto the supporting records for six months.

Types of Supporting Records 

Acceptable supporting records are:

  1. Itineraries, Bills of Lading or a document that shows trip destination and origin.
  2. Trip records, dispatch records or a similar document.
  3. Receipt for gas, food or other expense.
  4. Electronic mobile data communication sent through fleet management
  5. Mileage records, payroll records, settlement sheets or similar records showing driver paid.

Additional Electronic Logging Device Requirements

Eight of the supporting records submitted above must be kept by the carrier. When a commercial driver submits more than eight supporting records for any 24-hour period to the carrier, the carrier is required to keep the first and last supporting record for that day and six others. When the commercial driver turns in less than eight supporting records, the carrier must keep all of them.

The rule doesn’t apply to drivers operating vehicles made prior to the year 2000.

Driver Harassment and Electronic Logging Devices

The new rule prevents motor carriers from using electronic logging devices to harass drivers. Significant fines will be the result. Drivers will have a method for reporting harassment.

Edward A Smith Law Offices

Ed Smith is an experienced Elk Grove Truck Accident Lawyer. If you or someone you love has been involved in a trucking accident it is important to call an Elk Grove Trucking Accident Attorney. Call now at (916) 921-6400. If you are calling outside of the Sacramento area, please call (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice.

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