Dangerous Intersections in Vallejo

Home » Dangerous Intersections in Vallejo
June 01, 2020
Edward Smith

The Most Dangerous Intersections in Vallejo

Vallejo is the second-largest city in Solano County and sits right on the edge of the San Francisco Bay Area as well as the Napa Valley. For these reasons, there’s plenty of people moving through the city on a daily basis, resulting in a fair amount of vehicle traffic. While you can never say exactly when or where an auto accident can take place, it is possible to increase your safety by learning about accident trends in your area. One of the best ways to do this is to know where crashes are likely to happen. For more information, read the following blog about the most dangerous intersections in Vallejo.

Crashes in Vallejo

Data gathered and published by UC Berkeley research groups show that, between the beginning of 2008 and the end of 2019, there were 5,880 traumatic car accidents reported within Vallejo city limits. These crashes resulted in 97 deaths and 8,319 injuries. Around 42 percent of these happened on a state-operated highway while the remaining collisions occurred on city roads. Out of these 5,880 accidents, 520 involved pedestrians, 241 involved bicycles, and 217 involved motorcycles.

Dangerous Intersections in Vallejo Ranked

The following list of Vallejo intersections includes the number of accidents that took place within 250 feet of each location during the above-mentioned time period:

  • Redwood Parkway at A.C. Lane, 39
  • Redwood Street at SR 29, 37
  • Mini Drive at SR 29 and Sonoma Boulevard, 37
  • Diana Drive at Mini Drive, 35
  • Rotary Way at A.C. Lane, 34
  • Sereno Drive at Broadway Street, 34
  • Tuolumne Street at Redwood Street, 30
  • Alameda Street at Tennessee Street, 26
  • Broadway Street at Tennessee Street, 24
  • Sonoma Boulevard at Tennessee Street, 24

What Makes These Intersections Dangerous?

There are many different factors that can contribute to danger at a particular intersection. However, something that is common to all intersections is that traffic is more complicated because it travels in more than two directions. Because drivers need to be aware of vehicles that might turn in front of them, there are more chances for accidents to occur.

However, some intersections are especially dangerous. This is often due to multiple factors, including high traffic, nearby bars, or issues with the intersection itself. Intersections can be especially dangerous if they are poorly designed and confusing for drivers to navigate. They may also lack the proper signage or signals, suffer from poor lighting, or have seriously defective pavement. In all of these cases, the government body responsible for maintaining that roadway may be considered a liable party to auto accidents at that location.

Government Roadway Liability

In cases where an issue with the road is proven to have partially or fully caused an accident, it is often possible for collision survivors to claim compensation from government bodies, much like injured parties can obtain payments from reckless drivers and insurance companies. However, injury claims that involve government entities are different from normal claims in a few important ways.

Critically, a claim against a government needs to be filed within 180 days of the accident date. This can put injured parties at a disadvantage and may affect their ability to obtain compensation if they don’t take action quickly. For this reason, it’s important to call an attorney as soon as you are able.

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Vallejo Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Vallejo personal injury lawyer. For free, friendly vehicle accident advice, contact me at either (800) 404-5400 or (707) 564-1900.

I’ve served residents of the Vallejo area for nearly four decades, helping them claim the settlements and trial verdicts they need to cover their damages after serious car accidents. To learn about my work, you can browse reviews from my clients at these websites:

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