Corning Truck Crash Causes Major Injury

Home » Corning Truck Crash Causes Major Injury
December 18, 2018
Edward Smith

Corning Trucking Crash Causes Major Injury

A car accident involving multiple vehicles took place on a highway located in the Corning area on Thursday, December 13, 2018. According to reports from the California Highway Patrol (CHP), the accident left at least one individual with major injuries. Reports stated that one of the vehicles involved in the accident was a semi truck and that the other vehicles were three Honda sedans. Updates on the condition of the person who suffered severe trauma during the accident have not been reported by medical officials. Additionally, the accident reportedly caused major traffic delays in the area as the highway was closed for multiple hours following the crash.

Collision Information

CHP indicated that the crash took place at about 7:55 a.m. on State Route 99E close to South Avenue in Corning. Details about how the crash was initially caused were unavailable, but officers stated that the crash caused major damage to involved vehicles and that the semi truck had been pulling a set of double trailers without cargo. Additionally, a power line contractor reported that an employee had been involved in the crash.

Traffic reports indicated that the crash caused a fuel leak. Caltrans staff were called to clear hazardous material from the road, shutting down both lanes of the highway. The area was not re-opened to traffic until 10:21 a.m., nearly two and a half hours after the accident took place.

CHP reported that one person involved in the crash received major injuries and was taken to a nearby hospital to be given emergency medical care. At least one other person was taken to the Enloe Medical Center in Chico to be treated for minor injuries. Details about the specific nature of these injuries were not reported.


CHP officials stated that they are conducting an investigation into what may have caused this accident. However, police have not stated what factors, if any, they suspect to have been involved. Collisions like this one can happen for a number of reasons that include driver distraction, medical issues, poor vehicle maintenance, fatigue, defective auto products, reckless driving, and more.

Trucking Accidents

Commercial trucks are much larger than passenger vehicles and, because of this, they dramatically increase the amount of force involved in accidents. This means that crashes involving large trucks are much more likely to cause serious or even fatal injuries. Trucking companies are well aware of these risks and are almost always prepared to begin defending themselves from liability right away. This can put people injured in trucking accidents at a disadvantage when seeking payment for their injuries. However, calling a lawyer as early on as possible can help prevent trucking companies from disclaiming responsibility. To learn more about how people can recover payments for their damages after a vehicle accident, it’s best to speak personally with a trusted Corning car accident lawyer who can give you professional advice.

More by Ed Smith, Corning Car Accident Lawyer

Corning Car Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Corning car accident lawyer. Suffering a car accident injury is often a serious event. If you’ve suffered a crash injury, call me for free, friendly legal advice about what legal options you may have. I can be reached at (800) 404-5400 as well as (530) 392-9400.

My firm has helped residents of Corning with obtaining fair wrongful death and personal injury recompense for more than 36 years.

If you want to know more about my history as an injury lawyer, feel free to browse my settlements and verdicts. You can also see the reviews my clients have written about me at:

I am one of the members of an association of US lawyers who’ve won or settled a case with a value exceeding $1,000,000. This group is called the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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Corning Trucking Crash Causes Major Injury: Ed Smith

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