Complications of a Broken Nose

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May 31, 2018
Edward Smith

 Complications of a Broken Nose

Complications of a Broken Nose

I’m Ed Smith, a Personal Injury Lawyer in Sacramento. A broken nose is one of the most common types of bone fractures. Because the nose projects from the face, it makes an easy target. Many people recover from a broken nose in a few short weeks. Other people could have complications that might last the rest of their life.

The nose is a complex, bony structure that is vulnerable to traumatic injury. Because of its shape, it can be struck from multiple sides.  A bone fracture in the nose can occur in several ways. These include:

  • Sports: Playing sports is one of the most common ways that a broken nose can take place. According to a research study published in Scientific Elo, more than 20% of injured noses are sustained while playing sports. Examples of contact sports include football, basketball, and soccer.
  • Assault: Unfortunately, assault is still a reality. Someone could get punched in the face or struck with objects. The study indicated that approximately a third of broken noses come as a result of an assault.
  • Car Crashes: Auto accidents are another standard way that people break their nose. When a car accident takes places, the head is often thrown forward due to the lack of restraint. If the head strikes the steering wheel or dashboard, it is easy to break a bone in the nose. The study found that, based on their medical records, about 15% of patients who had sustained a broken nose did so through a car crash.

Once someone has been diagnosed with a facial fracture, including a broken nose, it is time to consider the treatment options.

What is the Treatment of a Broken Nose?

If a broken nose is suspected, there are several issues to consider. Medical treatment is going to focus on:

  • Bleeding: First, it is essential to stop any bleeding that is happening. There are many different blood vessels in the face. Without proper pressure, there could be issues stopping the bleeding. Gauze and tissue might be placed in the nostrils to try and stop the bleeding.
  • Airway: Most people breathe through their nose. With a severe fracture, the nostrils could be obstructed. A deviation of the nasal septum can lead to an obstruction of the nasal passages. This obstruction can be made worse if blood floods the airway as well.

If a broken nose is confirmed, the bones need to be put back into place. Sometimes, this can be done in an emergency room. A physician could grip the nose with one hand and pull with the other. This type of traction will set the bones in the proper position. For severe fractures, it may require surgery. This might also need plates and screws. Like other broken bones, it will take several weeks for the bones to heal completely.

How do Complications of a Broken Nose Happen?

Several complications might happen with a broken bone in the nose. Some of the difficulties could include:

  • Associated Fracture: Sometimes, people can have orbital fractures as well. This can lead to vision problems. Because the bones of the nose and eyes are connected, it is possible to have breaks in both locations.
  • Intubation: If there is an issue with maintaining the airway, the individual will be intubated. Common risks of intubation include bleeding of the trachea, loss of teeth, and lacerations of the mouth.
  • Malunion: In some cases, there can be problems getting the bones appropriately aligned. This could lead to malunion, meaning that the bones did not heal correctly. Handling a case of malunion often requires a trip to an operating room. Repairing malunion typically requires re-breaking the bones so that they can be put into their proper location.
  • Nerve Damage:  If bones in the face are broken, some of these fragments could damage nerves. This nerve damage can cause numbness and tingle in different parts of the face.

Assistance with a Broken Nose

Families dealing with complications from an injury such as a broken nose might find it helpful to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Sacramento. This can be a stressful situation, and an attorney can help with:

  • Medical Complications: These can create emotional stress as families wonder whether or not their loved one is going to make a full recovery.
  • Financial Stress: An extended stay in a hospital can lead to expensive medical bills. What happens if insurance doesn’t cover the cost?
  • Logistical Problems: Having a loved one in a hospital can cause logistical issues. How are the kids going to get to school?

There are many sides to this injury and individuals should understand all of their options before making a decision.

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Personal Injury Lawyers in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, a Personal Injury Lawyer in Sacramento. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident caused by the negligence of someone else, please reach out to me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 to receive free, friendly legal help.

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