Common Causes of Stockton Truck Accidents

Home » Common Causes of Stockton Truck Accidents
May 01, 2016
Edward Smith

Common Causes of Stockton Truck Accidents

Stockton Truck Accident Lawyer

Common Causes of Stockton Truck Accidents

I’m Ed Smith, a Stockton Truck Accident Lawyer. The cause of a large commercial truck accident can usually be classified into three groups: poor truck maintenance, truck driver negligence or inability of other motorists to maneuver around a big truck. Every trucking accident is different and has its own set of unique circumstances.

Below is a list of common causes of Stockton truck accidents:

Jacknifing Truck Collision – Many trucking accidents are related to braking or jacknifing. This type of accident occurs when the drive axle brakes lock up on a tractor trailer. This type of braking event makes the trailer move in an uncontrolled manner. The trailer only stops after it forms a 90 degree angle with the tractor. During a jacknifing event, the truck driver loses control and sometimes may rollover. A jacknifing truck collision can be catastrophic and life-altering.

Regardless of whether the crash is caused by truck driver mistakes, malfunctioning brakes, bad weather or a blown tire, a jackknifing tractor trailer can cause major property damage, severe injuries, and even fatalities.

Watch Youtube Video of a large commerical truck jacknifing on a Las Vegas highway.

Truck Underride Collision – It happens every day. A passenger car crashes into and under the rear of a large tractor trailer. The taller structure of the trailer rips through the windshield, tears the roof and penetrates into the passenger compartment causing severe to fatal injuries to the occupants of the car. Starting in 1998 the government required rear underride guards to help prevent serious injuries and fatalities.

Watch Youtube Video showing truck underride collisions.

Distracted Truck Driving Collisions – Distracted driving collisions occur everyday. Distracted driving is anything that causes the truck driver’s attention to be taken off the roadway. It takes a lot longer for an 80,000 lb. truck to come to a stop than it does for an automobile.

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. We are reminded to put the phone down while we drive. This may radically reduce serious injuries and fatalities caused by distracted driving.

Follow this link for more truck driver mistakes.

Watch Youtube Video describing the events leading up to a horrific fatality involving an Arizona trucker and a police officer who was tragically killed in the line of duty.

Brake Failure Trucking Accidents- These types of crashes can be avoided by proper installation and maintenance of the brake system. A driver needs to be properly trained on how to inspect the brakes and how to properly apply the brakes. The heavier the large commercial truck, the more heat that will be generated, thus raising the risk and incident of truck brake failure.

Watch Youtube Video showing a semi truck smoking its brakes.

Excessive Speed and Reckless Trucking Accidents – Truck drivers who travel way too fast on our roadways pose a threat to innocent motorists everyday.

Watch Youtube Video of a Grapevine truck driver who aggressively passes another truck driver who was traveling at 55 mph.

There are many other types of truck driving collisions happening on our roadways across the country. Sometimes truck parts can be defective. It is the responsibility of the trucking company and the truck driver to ensure that defective parts are properly replaced.

Stockton Trucking Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Stockton Trucking Accident Lawyer. If you or a family member has been seriously hurt in an accident with a large commercial truck, please call me at (916) 921-6400 for free, friendly advice. Or, call toll free at (800) 404-5400. Only an experienced trucking injury lawyer can ensure your receive appropriate compensation for medical expenses, lost income and wages, future earnings, pain and suffering and other losses.

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I am a proud member of Million Dollar Forum. Successful trial lawyers who have won multiple cases in excess of a million dollars.

See my Past Settlements and Verdicts here.