Injuries Reported in Collision Involving Two Big Rigs in Richmond

Home » Injuries Reported in Collision Involving Two Big Rigs in Richmond
June 22, 2023
Edward Smith

Big Rig Crash on I-80 and Potrero Avenue

On June 20, 2023, the California Highway Patrol reported a big rig crash on I-80 close to Potrero Avenue in Richmond. The trucking collision occurred at approximately 1:45 a.m. and involved two big rigs, including one that was transporting sugar which was spilled on the highway, according to officials.

Details on the Big Rig Crash on I-80 and Potrero Avenue in Richmond

The California Highway Patrol reported that one truck driver was injured in a crash involving two semis on westbound I-80 in Richmond. The trucker was transported via air ambulance to a local hospital for treatment of unspecified injuries. Officials indicated that no other parties were injured in the collision. The cause of the incident is not yet known due to an ongoing investigation by CHP traffic officers.

Watch YouTube Video – By: NBC Bay Area – Crash Involving Two Big Rigs Snarls Traffic on Westbound Interstate 80 in Richmond

Can You Seek Compensation for Injuries From a Big Rig Crash?

An individual may have grounds for a personal injury claim for a truck accident if they were hurt because of someone else’s negligence. To determine if you have grounds for a claim for damages, various factors must be considered. This includes the cause of the incident and of the injury, who is liable for the crash, and whether there is clear and compelling evidence to support the case. Evidence may be lost or destroyed, and letters of preservation of evidence must be sent to defendants immediately. In these cases, it is recommended that injured parties retain legal counsel as soon as possible.

Trucking companies and their insurers act quickly to build cases against injured parties. Their goal is to get a claimant to accept a fraction of the compensation they deserve. In other situations, they may deny the claim entirely. It is helpful to have an injury lawyer looking out for your rights and interests. The right attorney will have the experience, skills, and resources to build a strong case for full compensation. Moreover, the lawyer will handle the details of the truck accident case so the injured party can focus on their recovery and rebuilding their life after a traumatic crash.

Types of Recoverable Losses in a Semi-Truck Collision Case

Sustaining injuries in a tractor-trailer collision does not have to define your future. With the assistance of the best California personal injury lawyer, they will help an injured party seek full recovery of their non-economic and economic damages, which may include:

  • Current and future needs of medical treatment for accident-related injuries
  • Lost earnings and loss of working capacity for being temporarily or permanently out of work due to injuries
  • Pain and suffering from the incident itself and the physical pain and emotional trauma from the associated injuries

At, our legal team understands that injuries that occur during big rig crashes may be traumatic and result in extensive losses. That is why we are dedicated to obtaining justice and maximum financial recovery for clients. Learn about our law office and the services we provide in this video.

Truck Accident Lawyer in California

Getting injured in a collision involving a big rig can be traumatic and life-altering. Contact our skilled and compassionate California truck accident lawyers today to discuss your case in detail and learn about your rights and options to hold the at-fault party accountable for your damages. Dial (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice. We are available to discuss your potential case anytime. Our law office operates on contingency which means that our clients do not have to pay for upfront costs. We only get paid if we obtain a successful result on behalf of the client.

Here at our law firm, we handle each case with the utmost care and dedication it deserves. We devise personalized strategies for clients that reflect the impact that accident-related injuries and losses have had on their overall quality of life. Our work and commitment to success are reflected in our history of settlements and verdicts, in addition to our client reviews on Yelp, Google, and Avvo. Various legal groups have recognized us for our work, including the National Association of Distinguished Counsel and the Million Dollar Advocates. We are proud California members of these organizations.

Photo Credit: “Rodnae” Pexels

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