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Arcata Workplace Accidents and Recovering Compensation

Home » Arcata Workplace Accidents and Recovering Compensation
April 29, 2023
Edward Smith

Recovering Compensation After Workplace Accidents

When it comes to workplace accidents and injuries, it can be challenging to navigate the legal landscape to understand the different options for compensation. In California, there are two main types of compensation for work-related injuries: workers’ compensation and personal injury. In this blog, we will explore the difference between workers’ compensation and personal injury in California.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation provides a system of insurance that benefits employees who are injured or become ill due to their job. This system is designed to provide prompt and fair compensation to employees without litigation. Injured employees do not have to prove that their employer was negligent or at fault in order to receive workers’ compensation.

Coverage in a Workplace Accident Injury or Illness

Workers’ comp covers a broad range of injuries and illnesses that occur in the workplace, including:

  • Injuries from accidents
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Illnesses caused by exposure to toxic substances
  • Mental health conditions caused by work-related stress

Benefits in a Workers’ Comp Case

Workers’ compensation provides several types of benefits to injured workers, including:

  • Medical care: Workers’ compensation covers the cost of medical treatment related to the work-related injury or illness.
  • Disability benefits: If an employee cannot work due to injury, workers’ compensation provides disability benefits to help replace lost income.
  • Vocational rehabilitation: If an employee cannot return to their previous job due to their injury, workers’ compensation may provide vocational rehabilitation services to help them find a new job.

Process of Coverage in Workers’ Compensation

If an employee is injured on the job, they should report the injury to their employer immediately. The employer must then provide the employee with a claim form to file for workers’ compensation benefits. Employees should complete and submit the claim form to their employer, who will forward it to their workers’ compensation insurance carrier.

Personal Injury Claims in a Workplace Injury

Personal injury claims arise when someone is injured due to the negligence of another party. In the context of workplace injuries, a personal injury claim may arise when an employee is injured due to the negligence of a third party, such as a contractor, vendor, or customer.

Coverage for Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can cover a wide range of injuries, including:

  • Injuries caused by workplace accidents due to a third party’s negligence
  • Injuries caused by defective equipment or products
  • Exposure to toxic substances in the workplace

Awards in a Personal Injury Claim

Unlike workers’ compensation, which provides specific benefits, the awards of a personal injury claim are determined by a jury or a judge. However, some common benefits in personal injury cases include:

How to File a Personal Injury Claim

To file a personal injury claim in California, the injured employee must prove that the third party was negligent and that their negligence caused the injury. The injured employee may need to provide evidence such as witness statements, medical records, and expert testimony to prove their case. Personal injury claims are typically resolved through settlement negotiations or a trial.

Key Differences Between Workers’ Comp and Personal Injury Claims

Now that we have explored the basics of workers’ compensation and personal injury claims, let’s discuss some key differences between the two.

  • Fault: Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, whereas personal injury claims require the injured party to prove negligence.
  • Benefits: Workers’ compensation provides specific benefits, whereas a jury or a judge determines personal injury claims.
  • Employer liability: Workers’ compensation is paid by the employer’s insurance carrier, while personal injury claims may hold third parties responsible for damages.

Final Thoughts

In California, workers’ compensation and personal injury claims provide injured employees with different avenues for compensation. It’s essential to understand the difference between these two options to make informed decisions when filing a claim. If you are unsure which type of claim to file, it is best to consult an accident lawyer, who can advise you on the best way to proceed.

Arcata Personal Injury Lawyer

I am Ed Smith, an Arcata personal injury lawyer. The at-fault party/parties that caused your accident may be financially liable for the injuries you sustained. To receive free and friendly advice from our accident attorneys, please call (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400. We can also be reached online.

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Photo attribution: Image by succo from Pixabay 

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