Antidepressants and Auto Accidents

Home » Antidepressants and Auto Accidents
June 18, 2018
Edward Smith

Antidepressants and Auto Accidents

Antidepressants and Auto Accidents

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer. Mental illness is a serious issue facing modern society today. Depression is one of the most common forms of mental health problems and can sap people of all their energy, making them feel incapable of doing anything.

There are several symptoms of depression that can manifest themselves in different ways. Some people may have all the symptoms while others may only have a few. First, the most significant sign of depression that everyone should be screened for is suicidal thoughts. Regardless of the presence of other symptoms, people who have the desire to hurt or kill themselves automatically meet criteria for clinical depression. Apart from this, other potential signs and symptoms of depression include:

  • Sleep Trouble: People who are dealing with depression can have difficulties with sleep. While some people feel like they are sleeping all the time, it is more common for people dealing with depression to have trouble falling or staying asleep.
  • Decreased Level of Activity: Those with depression could find themselves with less energy to do the things they once enjoyed. This could mean going to the gym, traveling, or just hanging out with friends.
  • Feelings of Guilt: Depression can cause people to have increased feelings of guilt. This could even cause people to feel guilty about things that aren’t even their fault.

Most people with depression are started on antidepressant medications. However, these do have side effects that people should be aware of. It could increase the risk of being involved in a car crash.

Antidepressants Side Effects

A team of medical professionals reviewed over 70,000 patients who were prescribed antidepressants and were subsequently involved in a car crash. They found that rates of accidents increased if a patient had been recently prescribed a new antidepressant or had a recent change in their medication. In these car crashes, the patients who were prescribed antidepressants were also at risk of suffering traumatic injuries, such as bone fractures. One of the types of bone fractures that these individuals suffered was a fracture of the femur. However, the injuries sustained in these accidents also had the potential to be a catastrophic personal injury. When someone is started on a new medication, it is unclear what side effects they might suffer. Some people can have severe side effects while other people have no side effects at all. Therefore, it is crucial for patients to follow-up with their medical provider if they notice any side effects of their medications.

What Should Be Done in the Future?

Antidepressants play a vital role in the treatment of depression. However, the side effects can be dangerous. When someone is being started on antidepressant medication, it is essential to make sure that the individual understands all of the potential side effects that can result from the drug. Importantly, patients need to make sure that they know when to contact their physician due to side effects. Some apparently have the potential to be severe and can impair someone’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. This places not only the individual but also others on the road at risk. Finally, those who are being started on anything more than a minimal dose of medications should regularly be evaluated to make sure that they are safe to drive. By doing this, potentially serious injuries could be prevented, and lives can be saved.

A Lawyer Can Help

These types of auto accidents have the potential to make a family feel overwhelmed. While a significant amount of attention needs to be paid to the medical recovery, the circumstances of the accident also need to be investigated. Unfortunately, going through accident reports and medical records can be confusing for the average person. This is why it is essential to speak with a lawyer who can take this burden away from a family dealing with stress.

Personal Injury Lawyers in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer.  Antidepressants can cause serious side effects. If you or a family member has been injured in a car accident involving the use of anti-depressant or other medications, call me at (916)-921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly and compassionate advice.

I’m a member of the California chapter of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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