Truck Accidents in Fairfield

Home » Truck Accidents in Fairfield
November 23, 2019
Edward Smith

Truck Accidents in Fairfield

Fairfield is a bustling city, the largest city in Solano, houses the county government, and serves as the Sacramento Valley’s gateway to the Bay Area. All of this means that Fairfield is often full of both commuter and local vehicle traffic. Residents know that local roads can get hectic, and, unfortunately, this means a high rate of vehicle accidents. Some of the most dangerous accidents that can happen are those that involve large commercial vehicles. Tractor-trailers present a serious risk to passenger vehicles and are a common sight on Fairfield roads. Those who want to stay safe while driving in the area may be interested in these statistics on truck accidents in Fairfield.

Collision Overview

According to statistics published by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley, there were 7,498 injury-causing car accidents in Fairfield between the beginning of 2007 and the end of 2018. The large majority of these accidents involved passenger vehicles, while 273 involved a large truck.

The 273 trucking accidents caused a total of 374 individual injuries in addition to five fatalities. Most only involved passenger vehicles or trucks while one involved a bicyclist, five involved pedestrians, and six involved a motorcycle. The majority (about 73 percent) of these crashes happened on a highway inside the city limits of Fairfield while the rest happened on municipal roads.


Fairfield truck accidents had a fatality rate of around two percent, just over double the percentage for collisions in general. However, the rate for severe injuries sustained in truck accidents was almost the same as for all 7.498 crashes together.

Accident Type

The most common accident types for Fairfield truck accidents were as follows:

  • Rear-end (113 crashes)
  • Sideswipe (78)
  • Broadside (35)
  • Hit-object (20)
  • Head-on (11)

All other types of crashes accounted for less than three percent of the collisions in question.

Primary Causal Factor

In most cases, accidents are caused by one or more traffic violations committed by drivers. The following violations were the most frequently listed as “primary causal factors” for Fairfield truck crashes:

  • Speeding (103 crashes)
  • Unsafe lane changing (64)
  • Improper turning (42)
  • Traffic signal violations (14)
  • DUI (13)

All other violations accounted for less than two percent of truck accidents overall. Less common violations included driving on the wrong side of the road, tailgating, unsafe backing, and more.

Calling an Attorney

After being injured during an accident involving a commercial vehicle, it’s very important to call a lawyer as soon as you possibly can. Trucking companies are aware of the risks of operating their business, and this means that they are almost always prepared to take action as soon as a collision takes place. Most companies will send legal teams to accident sites right away so that they can gather their own evidence and take witness statements.

Having a skilled lawyer to defend your right to compensation early on can keep negligent parties from disclaiming responsibility. To learn more about why you should consider filing a personal injury claim following a truck accident, see this video:

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Fairfield Truck Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Fairfield truck accident lawyer. If a trucking accident left you with serious injuries, please give me a call so that we can speak about your case. Dial (707) 334-2545 or (800) 404-5400 so I can give you free, friendly advice.

I’ve been representing individuals and families in Fairfield since 1982. During this time, I’ve been able to help many people claim the compensation they deserve through settlements and verdicts in injury cases. Find out more about me and my work by visiting these sites to find client reviews:

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