Scoring System Following a Brain Injury Yields an Accurate Prognosis

Home » Scoring System Following a Brain Injury Yields an Accurate Prognosis
November 19, 2019
Edward Smith

Scoring System Following a Brain Injury Yields an Accurate Prognosis

It can be challenging for doctors to provide an accurate prognosis for an individual who has suffered a traumatic brain injury; however, a new scoring system might help medical professionals do exactly that. Some of the most common reasons why people suffer head injuries include road traffic accidents, slip and fall incidents, gunshot wounds, and sharp objects. When someone sustains a head injury, they often end up in the intensive care unit (ICU). There, doctors will provide aggressive medical care and family members will discuss the patient’s road to recovery. During this time, physicians will try to explain the prognosis to the family members; however, they typically have a hard time providing loved ones with clarity.

Now, a new scoring system has been developed that can help doctors do exactly that. CT scans are one of the most frequently used tools by doctors when a patient has suffered a head injury. A team of researchers has figured out a way to use these images to help doctors provide family members with a more accurate prognosis when their loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury.

The Design of the Research Study

Prior to this research study, the use of a scoring system to predict someone’s prognosis following a TBI had not been discussed. Because of this, family members would often receive different recovery outlooks from multiple doctors. This can be incredibly frustrating and confusing, which is why an objective prognostic measure is needed.

A team of researchers went back more than 20 years and located the medical records of patients who had suffered a brain injury. Then, the researchers looked at the information in their charts, including the results of their CT scans. The scientists then combined all of this data and looked for factors that influenced their prognosis.

The Results of the New Scoring System

The team of researchers developed a new scoring system called the Helsinki CT Score. They found that using this score, the researchers were able to predict which patients would be alive six months after the initial injury. The accuracy of the scoring system was 90 percent. Some of the factors the scoring system used included age, pupillary responsiveness, and level of consciousness.

These results show that the scoring system is effective in predicting a patient’s recovery potential following a TBI. The CT imaging score is important, as is the patient’s clinical findings. This system has the potential to provide both doctors and families with more clarity following a head injury.

Recovering Following a Traumatic Brain Injury

Certain TBIs, such as penetrating brain injuries, typically have a relatively poor prognosis. On the other hand, the researchers also noted that there were many patients who had a poor prognosis at first who ultimately made a significant recovery. Specifically, almost half of all patients who suffered a penetrating brain injury regained functional independence. This means that they were able to care for themselves even after following such a severe brain injury.

The researchers would like doctors and families to know that aggressive treatment in an ICU setting can make a difference in saving someone’s life. The results of this study, including the development of a new scoring system, has the potential to help individuals who have suffered a catastrophic brain injury. This new system provides hope to patients and families everywhere.

San Francisco Catastrophic Brain Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a San Francisco Catastrophic Brain Injury Lawyer. This scoring system may provide doctors with a more accurate way to deliver a prognosis following a brain injury. If someone you care about has sustained a brain injury due to the negligence of another person or entity, you can contact me by using (415) 805-7284 or toll-free at (800) 404-5400.

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