Sacramento’s Active Transportation Plan: Streets for People

Home » Sacramento’s Active Transportation Plan: Streets for People
July 04, 2023
Edward Smith

People-Friendly Streets: Sacramento’s Active Transportation Plan

The City of Sacramento is actively working towards enhancing the safety and accessibility of streets within city limits, particularly in South and North Sacramento, through a comprehensive active transportation plan known as “Streets for People.” This plan is specifically designed to promote multimodal transportation options and eliminate barriers to transportation.

At the core of this initiative lies the invaluable input from the community. Leslie Mancebo, a transportation planner in Sacramento, emphasizes the significance of residents’ involvement in identifying problematic areas and expressing their preferences regarding street design and functionality.

Mancebo further explains that the plan strongly emphasizes communities that require substantial investments in street improvements and infrastructure. By focusing on North Sacramento, South Sacramento, and the Fruitridge/Broadway area, the project aims to engage with and amplify the voices of underrepresented communities, ensuring their perspectives are considered.

12 Citywide Workshops 

Twelve citywide workshops are in the works to gather extensive information from community members. These workshops will serve as crucial platforms for soliciting feedback and insights, which, when combined with crash data analysis, will shape tangible transportation goals for the targeted regions.

The overarching objective of the plan is to create safer and more livable streets for everyone. By aligning with other city initiatives like Vision Zero, which aims to eliminate pedestrian and car accidents, the active transportation plan contributes to the city’s broader objectives of reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable modes of transportation such as walking and cycling.

The Importance of Sustainable Modes of Transportation

Sustainable modes of transportation, such as walking and cycling, are essential for several reasons. These modes are inherently eco-friendly and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. With the transportation sector significantly contributing to carbon dioxide emissions, encouraging walking and cycling helps mitigate the environmental impact and move towards a more sustainable future.

Walking and cycling offer numerous health benefits. Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and helps combat obesity and sedentary lifestyles. By integrating these modes into daily routines, individuals can enhance their overall well-being, leading to healthier communities and reduced healthcare costs.

Prioritizing walking and cycling as transportation choices enhances urban livability and foster vibrant communities. Creating safe and accessible pedestrian and cycling infrastructure improves the physical environment and contributes to social cohesion. A people-centered approach to street design encourages social interactions, promotes local businesses, and makes neighborhoods more livable, vibrant, and inclusive.

What To Do If You Were Hurt as a Pedestrian or Cyclist?

If you have been seriously injured as a pedestrian or cyclist, taking specific steps to protect your rights and ensure your well-being is essential. Here are some recommended actions to consider:

  • Seek immediate medical attention: Your health and safety should be top priorities. If you are injured, seek medical help immediately, even if the injuries appear minor. Prompt medical evaluation can identify hidden or internal injuries that may not be immediately apparent.
  • Document the incident: If you are physically able, gather as much information as possible about the incident. Take photos of the accident, including any damage to your bicycle or surroundings. If there were witnesses, try to obtain their contact information. This evidence can be valuable for insurance claims and legal proceedings.
  • Report the incident: Notify the appropriate authorities about the accident. Contact the local police or file a report with the relevant law enforcement agency. This documentation can be an official incident record and may be required for insurance claims.
  • Preserve evidence: Preserve any evidence related to the accident, such as damaged clothing, equipment, or personal belongings. Do not repair or dispose of these items until you consult legal counsel.
  • Consult with an injury attorney: If you have sustained significant injuries and believe someone else’s negligence caused the accident, it is advisable to consult a lawyer with experience in handling pedestrian and bicycle accidents. They can protect your legal rights, help you navigate insurance claims, and seek full compensation for your injuries and damages.

Every situation is unique, and the specific steps may vary based on the circumstances. It is essential to consult with a professional who can provide personalized advice based on your situation. Watch the YouTube video below to learn how our Sacramento personal injury attorneys can help with your accident case.

California Personal Injury Attorney

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer. Injured as a pedestrian or cyclist in Sacramento? Call our law firm for free, friendly advice at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.

With a track record of securing successful verdicts and settlements for injured individuals since 1982, our legal team is here to help you. Contact us for a personalized and free consultation if you have been hurt in a pedestrian or bicycle accident.

We understand the unique challenges pedestrians and cyclists face in accidents and are committed to fighting for your rights. Our experienced injury attorneys will provide the guidance you need to navigate the legal process and seek maximum compensation for your injuries. Contact us today for free, friendly case advice.

Photo by Zeynep Sümer on Unsplash

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