Great Bike Rides in Northern California

Home » Great Bike Rides in Northern California
June 19, 2020
Edward Smith

Biking in the Great Outdoors

Life is slowly getting back to normal; businesses are opening up. We are not particularly eager to rush back into crowded restaurants and movie theaters. We would instead continue to enjoy the outdoor pursuits we have developed over the past few months. Especially considering the lovely weather Northern California has been experiencing.

With that in mind, we have compiled a list of bike rides within a few hours of Sacramento. Some are for more advanced riders, while others offer a more leisurely path.

Lake Tahoe

Bike rides around Lake Tahoe provide good roads, unmatchable natural beauty, and challenging aerobic training, given the altitude. To find a route, check out 10 Lake Tahoe Road Rides. Note that the Northstar Bike Park is still closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, as are many bike rental companies in the area.

Santa Rosa’s King Ridge Loop

Sonoma County offers vineyards, dense redwood forests, coastal roads, and green vistas. The city of Santa Rosa is also home to a large cycling community. Plenty of rural roads with little to no traffic and lots of rolling hills make it a near-perfect biking environment. 

Some Sonoma County ride options are GranFondo Loop (most challenging), the 73-mile route Coryn Rivera took for the 2016 Amgen Stage 3, or other routes found here: Santa Rosa Cycling Club.

Auburn – Iowa Hill Loop & Mosquito Ridge Road

The Iowa Hill Loop route begins near Auburn State Recreational Area and is 65 miles long, with 6,923 feet of elevation. Try the Mosquito Ridge Road route at 8,586 feet if you seek more climbing. Both rides are remote and scenic. Car traffic is not an issue on either route.


An easy 17-mile, 2000 feet of elevation ride can be found in Berkeley, Tildon North. This route covers trails in the north section of Tilden Regional Park. The ride includes a descent on the Conlon Trail, which enjoys sweeping views of San Francisco Bay. You may see a cow or two on this route!

Mount Tamalpais, Marin County

One of the more challenging routes listed is an advanced ride at 57 miles with 8,109 feet of elevation. For your effort, you are rewarded with beautiful views. The ride starts with a climb past an alpine dam, and as you continue, there are panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean to your right and the beautiful Marin County landscape on your left. Recapture your strength during a downhill while enjoying fantastic ocean views along Highway 1. That is followed by another climb up Bofax, usually free of car traffic. The ride home is nearly all downhill.    

Below is a video of one bicyclist’s experience riding “Mt. Tam.”


No bike list would be complete without mentioning our own Jedidiah Smith Memorial Trail, or as it is more commonly known to locals – the American River Bike Trail. This mostly paved path frees you from vehicle traffic and can take you from downtown to Folsom. It is flat and easy, with many parks along the way at which you can stop off for a picnic lunch.

For more routes, check out Strava for the most popular bike routes in several Northern California destinations, including Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, and San Jose.

Sacramento Bicycle Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento bicycle accident lawyer. Bike accidents involving a car or truck can cause devastating injuries to the bicyclist. If one of your bike rides resulted in a collision with injuries, my office is known for its compassionate, free, and friendly advice. I can be reached locally at (916) 921-6400 and (800) 404-5400 if you are outside the region. I also offer an online contact form.

To read about some of our prior cases and to hear from our past clients, please have a look at the following sites:


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