Fatality Reported in Two-Vehicle Collision in Roseville

Home » Fatality Reported in Two-Vehicle Collision in Roseville
December 28, 2021
Edward Smith

Fatality and a Serious Injury Occur in Two-Vehicle Collision 

A two-vehicle collision in Roseville on December 22 resulted in a fatality and the hospitalization of another person. The accident happened, according to the Roseville Police Department, close to South Cirby Way, where it intersects with Old Auburn Road at around 4:00 p.m. One driver died at the accident scene. 

Roseville Fatality and Serious Injury Accident Being Investigated

The injured party was transported to a nearby hospital with serious injuries. It isn’t known whether alcohol or drug consumption was a factor in the two-vehicle collision. The accident is currently under investigation to determine the cause, and the name of the deceased will not be released until the family has been notified by the Placer County Coroner’s Office.

Filing a Claim for Wrongful Death

When someone dies in an accident that was the fault of another person or entity, the family may want to think about filing a claim for wrongful death. Although family members are consumed with grief, they may realize eventually the financial impact that loss will have on them, especially if the decedent contributed to the family’s income.

Our team of experienced injury lawyers has recovered damages for many grieving families, and we do it with compassion and the understanding of the toll a loss of this kind takes. We gather the evidence needed to support the claim, so the family can recover the cost of the funeral and burial expenses and the deceased’s lost wages until the age of retirement. In addition, the spouse can claim loss of consortium, and children in the family can place a claim for the loss of guidance and nurturing the decedent provided.

To learn more about a wrongful death claim, please watch the following video prepared by attorney Ed Smith:

Causes of a Two-Vehicle Collision

There are many reasons why two-vehicle collisions occur. The cause of an accident impacts liability and is an important step in obtaining compensation. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Speeding: This is an essential factor in determining cause in a two-vehicle collision. A driver who speeds loses control of their vehicle more easily and is unable to stop in time to avoid hitting another car. This is most commonly seen when the driver is approaching a curve. However, an advance notice of an approaching curve in the road along with a changing speed limit notice should be present. If the government (city/state) agency in charge of road design/maintenance does not provide this information, they may be liable for the crash. Your injury attorney will be able to file a claim against the city, county, or state.
  • Inclement weather: Wet and icy roads cause an increase in the number of accidents overall. It is difficult to maintain traction and makes the risk of a two-vehicle collision more likely.
  • Defective auto parts: This is an important aspect in determining why an accident occurred. Defective brakes, tires, accelerator, and other parts can all increase the risk of an accident. If an accident happens, the part manufacturer can be held liable for the damages. Making sure the vehicle is preserved after the crash makes it easier to determine if the car parts were defective.
  • Tailgating: When the car behind your vehicle is tailgating, the chances it will hit you if traffic slows are high. 
  • Poor road conditions: Maintaining the roads is an important obligation every municipality has. When that responsibility is ignored, the government agency can be held responsible. 

How AutoAccident.com Can Help

We work hard to ensure that our clients receive the compensation they deserve. It starts with the initial free consultation with our client. We investigate all aspects of the crash, from doing site accident reconstruction to help us determine liability to examining the vehicle to see if defective parts caused the collision to interviewing witnesses. Our investigators also examine surveillance camera videos, review police reports for mistakes and check road conditions. Once all the data is obtained, the legal team incorporates it into a strong case against the defendant.

Roseville Wrongful Death Lawyer

I am Ed Smith, a Roseville wrongful death lawyer. When negligence is the cause of the loss of your loved one, the family might want to find out if they can place a wrongful death claim to recover damages. Contact us for our compassionate, free and friendly advice at (916) 921-6400. We can also be reached at (800) 404-5400 or by sending us a message online.

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Helpful information on how our law firm has assisted others in recovering fair compensation can be found at the following links:

Our legal team at AutoAccident.com has helped many Roseville residents in obtaining fair compensation following a wrongful death in the family and in all types of car accidents.

Photo attribution: Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9-lg0clbRM

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