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Research Study on Injury Patterns in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

Home » Research Study on Injury Patterns in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents
September 25, 2019
Edward Smith

A Research Study on Injury Patterns in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

Recently, a research study was published analyzing the injury patterns that might be present in fatal motorcycle accidents. This is an important topic because one of the major public health issues in the United States is deaths from motor vehicle accidents. Data from the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration has shown that accidents involving motorcycles are far more deadly than their passenger vehicle counterparts. One of the ways to reduce the fatality rates in motorcycle accidents is to take a look at the injury patterns.

This was the goal of a research study published in the database of the National Institutes of Health. The researchers looked at the injury patterns among riders involved in fatal motorcycle accidents. They published their results in a peer-reviewed journal. The researchers explored possible ways to reduce the rate of fatal motorcycle collisions.

The Goal of the Research Study

The overall goal of the research study was to find ways to reduce fatalities in motorcycle accidents. According to the authors, they approached the topic from several directions. These included:

  • The researchers wanted to see if there was a trend among the demographics of the individuals involved in the fatal collisions. This includes age and gender.
  • The authors also wanted to look at the cause of death in each of the motorcycle accidents, searching for trends.
  • Finally, the researchers also wanted to analyze the traumatic injury pattern as a whole. They were looking for a common theme among the collisions

To do this, the researchers went back through the records of a large teaching hospital over a five-year period. The information on the accidents came from a number of different record-keeping organizations. This included autopsy reports performed by trained professionals, the medical records from the various individuals treated at the hospital, and even notes from police officers who responded to the scene of the motorcycle accidents. The researchers then cataloged this information in statistical software. This software was used to search for statistically significant patterns.

The Results of the Study on Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

After putting all of the information into a computer program and looking for patterns, the researchers discovered a number of important trends. These included:

  • Motorcycle accidents accounted for about 20 percent of all fatal road traffic accidents treated at this large hospital during the five-year study period in question.
  • Males were six times more likely to be involved in a fatal motorcycle accident than their female counterparts.
  • Younger individuals were more likely to be involved in a fatal motorcycle crash. The highest rates were among individuals between 20 and 40 years of age.
  • The most common injuries seen in motorcycle accidents were head injuries, accounting for about 40 percent of all motorcycle crash injuries diagnosed.
  • This was also the most common cause of death, being listed as the main contributing factor in more than half of all motorcycle accidents.

Based on these results, there are a number of important conclusions that can be drawn.

Significance and Future Directions of the Research Study

The study showed that young males are the most likely demographic group to be involved in a fatal motorcycle accident. Therefore, safety and preventative measures need to be designed to target these individuals. More safety and educational materials should be disseminated among this population to encourage safe motorcycle riding. Preventative measures are among the most effective tools used to reduce road traffic fatalities.

In addition, the research also shows that head injuries are the most common cause of death in motorcycle accidents. While there are plenty of educational materials available on the importance of helmets and motorcycles, more needs to be done to encourage people to wear protective headgear. Furthermore, resources should be poured into designing newer and safer helmets that can protect people in the event of an accident. By infusing resources into motorcycle accident avoidance, lives can be saved and catastrophic injuries can be prevented.

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Motorcycle Accident Attorney. Fatal motorcycle accidents are a serious problem and more research is needed to prevent them. If someone you love has been seriously hurt or killed in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of another person or entity, please contact me today at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I am an honored lawyer in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Top One Percent, which is a National Association of Distinguished Counsel. The lawyers in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum have received verdicts & settled cases worth more than $1 million dollars.

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