Update | Fatal Crash Near Elk Grove Involved Possible Drunk Driver

Home » Update | Fatal Crash Near Elk Grove Involved Possible Drunk Driver
July 03, 2023
Edward Smith

Charges Placed Against Alleged Drunk Driver in River Road Fatal Crash 

A driver was killed in a fatal crash near Hood, west of Elk Grove, on June 30 while attempting to avoid an alleged drunk driver. The collision occurred along River Road at about 7:30 p.m., as reported by the California Highway Patrol (CHP). Officers said that a driver started to veer into the oncoming traffic. 

Driver Swerved to Avoid Oncoming Car in Fatal Crash

The driver who was killed in the fatal accident swerved to try to avoid a head-on collision. However, instead, his vehicle exited the road, and he died in the accident. Officials have recently identified the decedent as 70-year-old Courtland resident Barry McClain.

The motorist who was in the wrong lane, was placed under arrest for causing an accident that led to the death and suspected drunk driving. The incident is being investigated by the CHP traffic accident unit to determine what happened.

The Grief of Losing a Loved One

The overwhelming grief that comes with a death in the family is understood by anyone who has experienced it. It can be even more difficult for family members to cope with feelings of disbelief, shock and sorrow when a negligent person or entity caused the death. My office stands ready to assist you if you lose a family member because of someone else’s negligence.

A Family’s Experience with Fatal Accidents Caused by Negligence

In the aftermath of a fatal crash, families are overcome with grief and disbelief. An unexpected loss of income is also experienced by the family, which can cause financial distress as they try to cope with the cost of the funeral and burial. It is challenging and psychologically draining for most people to try and deal with these two factors. It is possible to recover the monetary loss through a lawsuit filed by a wrongful death attorney. While it does not ease their grief, it provides them with a sense of justice and closure.

Damages in a Wrongful Death

Wrongful death lawsuits can include the following damages:

  • Expenses related to the funeral and burial
  • Wages earned by the decedent until retirement, including benefits such as insurance and pension
  • Services provided by the deceased in the home, such as tax preparation, lawn care and others
  • A spouse suffers loss of consortium when their partner is left without intimacy, love, or emotional support that was provided before the decedent died
  • Loss of inheritance
  • It is possible to file a survival action if the decedent lived for a while (no matter how short) before their death. The decedent’s medical care, as well as their pain and suffering, is covered by this
  • Punitive damages are recoverable in some cases where the death was intentional or caused by an egregious action

Here are some tips to help you find the right personal injury lawyer offered by car accident attorney Ed Smith:

Elk Grove Personal Injury Attorney

I am Ed Smith. I’m an Elk Grove personal injury lawyer. Find out if you can recover compensation if your loved one lost their life in a fatal crash caused by a negligent driver. You can reach us at (916) 694-0002 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice. In a free consultation with one of our accident attorneys, you can ask questions, review your case, and find out if you’re entitled to compensation. Alternatively, you can contact us online.

Throughout the years, our injury attorneys have helped countless others following an injury accident, as listed below:

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Photo attribution: Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

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